In Life and Death

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“Clary Fray, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” these works echo inside my head causing me to get slightly dizzy. Me? Married? That’s crazy. Then again for the past years nothing has been normal with me, from the time I found out that I’m a Shdowhunter , and the daughter of the infamous Valentine Morgenstern,on. There’s only one thing crazier than that; the fact that I don’t find the thought of being with Jace forever in any way weird, but just the opposite. To me it had always seemed obvious that after all we’ve been through we would always end up together. At least that’s how it seemed to me; I never knew whether Jace felt the same way or not but I’ve always hoped that he did. I guess I know now. We have gone through so many things together; things that mundanes never go through their entire life and we still came out strong and more in love than ever.

“ Jace …” my voice trails off a little as I look down to meet his golden eyes again. They were filled with so much emotion it was almost overwhelming. Hope, anguish, longing but most of all love. A slow tear started to fall down my cheek.

“Clary,” he says while getting himself graciously back on two feet “you know I won’t make you do anything you’re not ready for. If you don’t want to do this we don’t have too. It just that I couldn’t wait for us to…” this time I’m the one that doesn’t give him time to finish because I silence him with a kiss. This kiss was much slower than the one we shared earlier. For a second he doesn’t respond, his lips hard and unyielding but then they slowly start to move in sync with mine, reminding me of the first time we kissed, at midnight in Institute’s greenhouse. Back then his mouth tasted like apples but now it tasted like mint mojito gum. We kiss and we kiss until the world around us dissolves and we are all alone, on top of the world. Before the kiss gets too heated for a PG-13 rating I slowly pull away, a disagreeing groan leaving Jace’s mouth.

“You didn’t let me finish” I say playfully slapping his arm, which only caused him to pull me close to him again, his body heat radiating off of him, making my blood boil inside.. “Jace ... it would be my pleasure to spend the rest of my life with you, always and forever. I love you, Jace , more than you will ever know”. Now, looking straight into his golden eyes, I can see his desire for the answer I just gave him. Hugging him tightly is the only thing I can to stop me from starting to sob of happiness in front of him, ruining the I-can-take-care-of-myself image that I spent so long on building. Instead, his smell and warm embrace keep me from soaking the back of his shirt, but only barelly. He begins to slowly stroke my tangled mess of red hair before picking me up and spinning me round and round, a demented smile plastered on my face. He slowly sets me back on the ground, the places where our skin touch erupting with heat and desire.

Jace pulls my hair out of my face and our foreheads touch as we try to calm down our rapid breathing. When our eyes meet, his are bright and mischievous and filled with such joy that it made me skip a heartbeat.  

“I don’t think you ever realize how happy you just make me by saying those two sentences.” he whispered in my ear in a soft velvety voice that made my skin tingle and shiver in pleasure. Slowly he pulls away and I can immediately feel the coldness of my surroundings without his warm body close to mine.

“ Also you might know that its Shadowhunter custom to give the girl you family ring, right?” I nod

“ And you know that I finally accepted the fact that I’m a Herondale?” I nod again , sneaking a peak at our now intertwined hand and looking at the Herondale family ring on his finger. He hasn’t taken it off since I first gave it to him at mom’s wedding.

“Well,  I didn’t know what you would like. You grew up as a mundane with their customs and I imagine always dreaming about the day when prince charming will sweep you off your feet and give you a diamond ring. Now that you have your prince charming, meaning me, which one would you rather have? The diamond ring or the family ring?”

I squeeze his right hand and take the box with the diamond ring from his left hand, knowing that I could never take away his Herondale ring, even for a short period of time. That was one of the few thinks that connected him to his family and knowing how much it meant to him, not just to show that he’s a Herondale but that he has finally found his place and himself, I would never be able to wear it without feeling guilty for keeping it away from him.

I pull the ring out of the box and hand it to Jace.

“Would you put it on for me?” I ask, my voice thick with so many unnamable emotions.

Jace took my hand and gingerly placed the diamond ring on my finger. The way he was smiling while doing it is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. His smile wide with real happiness and his eyes filled  with the same loving desire as the time we were fully together in the demon realm back when we didn’t know if we were going to survive to see the next day. His happiness made me smile wider, making my cheeks hurt.

After the ring is safely placed on my finger I lift my hand up to take a look at it. A small diamond on a golden band with the words In Life and Death carved on the sides. The engraving brought fresh tears to my eyes and this time I was unable to keep them from spilling.

“You like it?” Jace asks while wiping away the tear that was rolling down my cheek .  I have to look up to meet his eyes again. Damn, sometimes I hate being so short.

“It’s perfect…”I whsper not trusting my voice to speak louder. Just after finishing my sentence, Jace lifts me up in his strong arms and starts carrying me towards…actually I have no clue where are we going, so I ask, but he pretends not to hear me. So just to make the best out of this I lean my head on his shoulder, wrap my arms around him and relax my body while taking in his scent and heat , feeling safe and loved.

I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep in Jace’s arms until I feel the lack of warmth around my body and the hard ground under me; the smell of food , other than Izzy’s ,also helped wake me up. It smelled delicious, reminding me that I didn’t have dinner. I slowly sit up and take in my surroundings; I somehow got to Central Park. I’m sitting on a red and white checkered  picnic blanket with a Red Riding Hood looking picnic basket nearby.  Suddenly I feel a pair of arms engulf me and at first I’m shocked but then it all comes back to me. Brooklyn Bridge, the kiss and the proposal. I look down at my hand and I see the ring glimmer in the moon light.

“Hello beautiful, now that you are awake can I continue with my romantic evening plans that I have worked so hard on?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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