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Hey I'm Brooklyn Kya Johnson and I am 18 years old.I am from Compton but I live in Los Angeles with my grandma but I call her Granny.I am in college studying in  psychology and I am also a celebrity therapist.I have worked with Chris Brown,Lindsay lohan,Brittany Spears and more.I get a lot of money and I was even awarded to be the best Therapist on the year of 2013.I am still single and I am still a's sad I know but hey it's less shit on my shoulders.My Grandma used to always tell me......

"Baby,you can't let these lil niggas do you any kind of way but when love comes you make sure you ride with him and make sure you take care of him because if you don't another woman will"She explained. I never forgot those words and it seems now a day's all niggas want is sex.


I was at home when I got a call from my boss.

"Hey Mrs.Santeno"I answered.

"Hey Ms. Johnson, you have a new client for at least 3-4 Months"She said.

"Okay who is it"I said grabbing my client list.

"Keenon Jackson he is a rapper.his stage name is Yg"She explained.

"Oh Ok cool can't wait to meet him"I said and I could feel she was smiling.

"You know I never saw you with a boyfriend before"She said and I already knew where it was going.

"See you tomorrow Mrs.Santeno"I said and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

-A Week Before-

Keenon's P.O.V

"Ma What The Fuck"I yelled and she got up and fixed herself.

"Baby Im-"She tried to hug me but I pushed her.

"Don't fuckin touch me you told me you would stop"I yelled picking up the trey with crack on it and throwing it across the room.

"Keenon DF IS WRONG WITH YOU"She yelled and slapped me.I was finna hit her ass back but I slammed the door and went home.I grabbed all my bottles of liquor and drunk them down.After that I blacked out.

"Yg......Keenon....."my manager Kevin yelled shaking me but I couldn't even move.

I woke up and saw I was in a hospital like what the fuck.I looked over and saw my manager talking to my probation officer.

"He has to go before he kills his self"My P.O said

"Ight"Kev. sighed and I looked at them and Kev looked at me.

" gotta go to a therapist about this drinking shit" my P.O said and I was pissed off.

"Fuck You Mean Therapy" I was mad as fuck like why the hell I needa see a fuckin therapist.

"Keenon"Kevin said giving me this stern face.

"You have been drinking a lot lately and you needa calm that shit down"My P.O said.

"What the fuck Eva man"I groaned and rubbed my hand down my face.

-3 Day's Later-

"Aye Nigga"Problem said giving me a man hug.

"Wassup "I said and pasted him the blunt.We was at the strip club fucking shit up and I was high as fuck.

"Yo I heard you had to go to therapy"Prob said as we sat down and some random hoes came up feeling on us and shit.

"Yeah man that shit is some bullshit and I'm still slanging birds nigga" I laughed and he dapped me up.

"That's the life my nigga" he laughed.

"Now lets get fucked up"He laughed and we passed the blunt back and forth and we even got some head.

This Is The Mutha Fuckin Life!!!

Brooklyn on the side

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