Chapter 1

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~Gabby's POV~

My name is gabbrielle, But I'm Known As Gabby!

I'm 5'4 I'm Thick🍑 and Got Real Pretty Hair 🙍💆. My daddy is The biggest drug Lord in New Orleans. I'm The only child So Of course I'm spoiled 👑💅🎀

My Bestfriend name is Alyrika, we always Together 👯 But I Think We have A new friend name aria.

We Met Aria at The mall. She seem Hella Coo But we gotta be careful who we choose to hang around cause these girls is fake now days. I think she'll be a good friend tho. 👯💃

"Lyrika their go yo boo"

"Girl stop playin I don't like him" she said with a smirk.

"Whateva 👋 I see it all in your face" gabby said.

"I don-"

Before she could finish Maurice was already walking her way smiling, showing his perfect white teeth.

"Hey Gorgeous" Maurice said with a huge smile.

"Hey Maurice" Alyrika said shyly

I said. "Awwwww y'all cute😻 y'all might as well go out👫 Ik y'all like each-"

Maurice cut me off and said "I like ha, but she be on them games"

Alyrika admitted and said "I like you too but-"

"But what?" Maurice said.

"You In these gangs and I don't want to be worried every day and night"

"you don't have to be worried, Ain't shit boutta happen to me."

"Maurice you don't know that. Everyday ain't promised." Lyrika said.

"You right, but I mean I been doin this shit since I was damn near 12. And I'm still here and I'm fucking 19"

"But it's gotten badder since it was when we was 12!"

"I know"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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