Texting 2

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Noah started a chat with "The boys"

James - Yo

West - Sup

Eldon - Hey

Noah - Help me!

James - What do you need help with man?

West - ^

Eldon - ^

Noah - I like someone

West - I see where this is going

Eldon - ^

James - Richelle?

Noah - Maybe

James added Richelle to the chat


Richelle - Um why did you add me to "The Boys" group chat ?

James - Richelle ...

Richelle - James ...

James - Noah you can take it from here

Noah - Umm

James - Or I could just tell her ...

Richelle - What's going on ?

Noah - Look Richelle, I really REALLY like you.



West - Well this is awkward

Eldon - ^

Eldon - I am so glad this didn't happen when I asked Emily out

James - What are you talking about man Emily always rejected you and ignored you

West - ^

Noah - Richelle, please say something

Richelle - I really REALLY REALLY like you too

Noah - Richelle will you be my girlfriend?

Richelle - YES!!

Richelle - Noah?

Noah - Yeah?

Richelle - can you come over ;)

Eldon - Ok, I'm just gonna go now ...

James - ^

West - ^

Eldon James and West left the chat

Noah - Yep, be there in 10

Richelle - See ya then babexx

Noah and Richelle left the chat

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