Part 2

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Now on to Justin fucking foley I couldn't stand this guy I couldn't deal with him every time I would see him i get this undeniable feeling of wanting to punch him in his stupid narcissistic jock face his ego was bigger than the fucking moon he has had his head blown up by all these girls in this school it was unreal but he had his issues that he hid so good from his mother being a junkie to the beatings from Seth his mothers boyfriend to Bryce pulling him in with his every word every time he said brother every time Bryce would buy Justin something Justin would get sucked right back in to the point he let Bryce do what he did to Jessica I know now how much he is actually hurting I know how much pain he is in all the time I know what he feels because I feel the same but I never thought we would be as close as we were how much we both would come to relies on one and another how much Justin really needed something stable something he could be proud of.. but let me start from the text that started it all for us I remember it like it happen yesterday



Justin: goodbye, guys. I am so sorry I failed and let you all down, from Hannah to jess to all of you, but you won't have to worry anymore. I'll be gone, and jess I still love you no matter what 

Alex: Justin what are you talking about???

zach: Justin man where the hell are you going??

Jess: Justin, I love you too, but what the hell is going through your head right now??!?!

I am lying in my bed reading my comic, and my phone starts to go crazy. I chose to ignore it the first few times, but then it kept ringing and ringing. Something told me to answer the phone and pick it up. I finally broke after the 20th time it rang. I saw five texts and 15 missed calls from jess Alex Zach and Justin, and 12 voicemails. I decide to listen to the voicemails first. 

1st voicemail: clay, hey, it's Zach. Please give me a call bye.
2nd voicemail: clay, it's Zach again. I need you to pick up the phone; please call me.
3rd voicemail: god dam it clay, pick up your damn phone. It's Zach

4th voicemail: its Alex call me back when you get this

5th voicemail: clay this is important I need you to call me or jess or Zach 
6th voicemail: clay, it's jess. Have you talked to Justin? He sent us all a text; I am getting a little worried about him. Gives me a call, please I am scared, clay.
7th voicemail: Jensen, you fucking asshole, pick up your fucking phone
8th voicemail: Jensen, it's Justin. I just wanted to say this in person but can't find a way to say this, but I am sorry clay. I never meant to put any of you through all of this. I know now you cared about Hannah, and I am sorry I broke her heart and hurt her the way I did. I hope you can forgive me, but this will be the last time you hear from me, but clay does me this one thing. Keep watch over jess for me. Will, you she deserves so much more than this. Keep her safe, clay goodbye...


Clay: what the hell are you talking about, Justin? What are you even saying? You need to call one of us right the fuck now, foley!!

Justin: ill be ok, guys. I promise, Jensen; I meant what I said. You all will be fine without me. I promise sick to be saved. I want you guys to live your lives. 

Jess: Justin Foley, you are not leaving. You can if this is because of what happened earlier. I am sorry. I love you, Justin.

Zach: Justin, the dude, just stop. We can talk this out. You don't need to be alone right now. 

Alex: Justin, I may not like you, but dude, if you do not start answerings us, I swear I'll have my dad track your ass down and put you in a padded room and throw away the damn key 

after a good five mins i say fuck it and i run out of my room down the stairs and out my front door i dont know where i am running to there is only one place i can think of and that was not a place for justin right now, i hear my mom yelling after me but i just keep running i run until i cant feel my legs until i am standing at bryces front door i start to raise me hand to the door but my phone goes off with a text from justin 'goodbye' i turn around and i start running again i dont know why i dont know where i just run until i drop to my knees in the middle of an ally out of breath "clay do you really think you could save him you couldnt even save me clay you cant save anyone" i turn around and the voice came from hannah why is she showing up now after all this time i look at her with the most hateful look "how the hell was i suppose to save you hannah you never said anything to anyone you never asked for help you hid it justin is asking for help even if he wont admit i ill do what i can to help him even if you dont want admit he wants help if he didnt need saving he would have left and not said a fucking word tyo anyone but he texted us he called me i have to help" i look down knowing hannah needed me too " clay you cant save everyone and thats ok do you believe justin really needs saving" i raise me head and look at her with tears in my eyes "hannah i am sorry but i have to try" and she sits next to me and i can almost feel the warmth coming from her " then think clay where would justin go where would justin first go before he leaves town he needs a way out of town right so where would he go think clay" i look up at the darkning sky and i just stare i dont know justin i never did so where would he go the first place he knew he could get what he needs bryce no i was there it was all quite and dark inside he couldnty be there. Jessica, but she would have called if he3 showed up. Zach's nope; he's the same way he would call. It hits me like a semi-truck at his mother's house. His mother is never sober, so she won't even notice her boyfriend won't notice either. They both are freaking junkies, probably high right now, so I look at Hannah, and she has that smile on her face, the one that lights up a dark pitch black room " thank you, Hannah."

you were always the reasonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz