Chapter 13

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Allison's POV

I woke up and my back was super sore and so was my ribs. I groaned. I woke Jeff up since we had to train. He smiled and kissed me.

 "We have to go to training." I said.

 "Yea. Let's get dressed." He said in a raspy voice. I got on my tank top and shorts. Jeff got on a tank top and shorts also. I got on my gym shoes. We went there and trained. 

*Three Months Later*

Today I am signing my contract with WWE! I am super excited! Jeff went with me. 

"I am proud to say that Allison Dumas is apart of the WWE roster." Stephanie hugged me. We were good friends.

"Thank you so much." I cried years of joy.

"So which brand would you like to be on?" She asked.

"Smackdown." I smiled at Jeff.

"Ok, well even though you're not on my brand I will support you." She smiled. I thanked her.

"Are you two dating?" She asked me in private.

"Not exactly. We are friends with benefits." Since we were friends I could tell her this.

"Well he should ask you out. I can put you two in a love storyline." She suggested.

"But my mom doesn't know. She would be weirded out. Maybe you could put us in a friend kind of storyline?" I asked.

"Of course! So what do you want your gimmick to be?" She asked.

"This bad a** girl who fights guys. I know I'm capable. I have proved that these past months of training." I smiled.

"Ok well I'll talk to my brother. You'll prove it by having a match against The Miz tomorrow night on Smackdown." She smiled back. I thanked her. She showed me around a bit. Then I left. Jeff was waiting in his car for me.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"Amazing! I have a match against The Miz tomorrow night." I squealed.

"The Miz?" He asked.

"Yea! Cool right?" I asked.

"Uh no. I mean yea it's cool but The Miz? Also you never said you would fight guys." He looked at me weird.

"I wanna be like my mom. Also he is just for my first match. It's not like I'm going against someone like you or Dean. Not even Rusev." I explained.

"Yea true. But still! I mean The Miz is a good wrestler and he might hurt you. I just want you to be careful." He warned.

 "Ok I can handle it myself. I think I'll be fine." I shook my head.

 "Whatever." He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

Charismatic Love (Jeff Hardy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن