Walking up to Alec's house, Magnus' legs felt like jelly. He didn't think he would go to prom with a date, or if he did he didn't think it would be with someone like Alec. The idea of going to prom was scary already, as it symbolised the end of high school, let alone the fears of having someone to go with.

Magnus pressed the doorbell lightly, hoping that Alec opened the door and not his parents. The door swung open, Magnus feeling his breath get caught in his throat, sighing in relief when he saw it was Isabelle. It wasn't his parents and it wasn't his date, so he had more time to freak out. 

 "Well, don't you look cute." Isabelle said chirpily, her painted red lips curved into a grin at the sight of him. Magnus thanked her, feeling his nervousness chip away, replying that she also looked very nice, seeing that her red makeup matched her long red dress. Magnus accepted her offer to come in, Isabelle closing the door behind him.

Magnus rubbed his hands together nervously, hoping that on his drive here he hadn't suddenly looked awful. Isabelle said that he was welcome to sit down and that Alec would come out in a minute, Magnus doing so, wondering if there was any possibility that him and Alec had wore the same outfit and were going to look ridiculous together.

After a short moment to himself, Magnus' attention was caught by a door opening, seeing that it was Alec. It looked like he didn't expect Magnus to be there, looking to Isabelle who shrugged innocently. "Hi," Alec said with a smile, walking over to him. Magnus had never seen Alec in anything that looked like a suit, and so it was strange. It was a very good strange, though.

Alec wore a dark blue floral suit jacket over a white shirt with a dark blue tie, wearing matching trousers. His hair looked perfectly messy, although the highlight of his look was the toothy grin that stretched on his face.

 "You look really good," Magnus breathed with a laugh, glad that he didn't sound nervous anymore. Alec sat next to him on the sofa, smiling widely at him. "Thank you, I guess you look okay too." He said sarcastically, his eyes looking at Magnus adoringly telling another story. Magnus raised an eyebrow, making Alec laugh lightly.

The two of them turned when they heard the door burst open, seeing Maryse standing with a big camera, beginning to take photos of the two of them, almost blinding them with the flash. "Oh, God." Alec cursed, protecting his eyes from the light, feeling his cheeks heat in embarrassment. 

Jace followed Maryse, looking just as embarrassed as Alec. Maryse told the two of them to stand up, Alec giving Magnus an annoyed look, although the entire situation was quite amusing to Magnus. He didn't care about being on camera, and he knew that if they were at Magnus' house then his mom would be doing the same.

Maryse made them all stand together to get a photo, her tone both excited and stressed, even though they didn't have to leave yet. "Look at my three babies all grown up," Maryse said with a grin as she snapped a photo, enjoying the special moment of seeing most of her children go to their senior prom.

Jace said to Magnus under his breath, "Welcome to the family, I guess." He kept the fake smile up as he spoke, making Magnus laugh lightly, enjoying the family vibe in the room. There were so many voices and emotions being thrown around; there was so much life within the walls. 

After the many, many photos that Maryse took of them all, she finally let them go. Robert was driving them there, as none of them had passed their driving tests yet. Isabelle sat in the front seat, Jace, Alec, and Magnus squeezing into the back, Alec in the middle. Isabelle immediately fell into a conversation with her father about something or other, flicking through the radio stations as per usual.

Alec said to Magnus quietly, "I'm pretty annoyed that you didn't get me flowers, I even threw away my dead ones because I was so certain that you would." His tone was joking, turning to look at Magnus with a smile. Magnus replied, "I can buy them for you tomorrow." Alec appreciated the gesture, unable to keep the smile off his face.

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