Starting... Part 1

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It was a sunny day. A girl woke up from her soft dream, She sits up and stretches as the morning  sun blinding her vision. She squinted and looked for her glasses, she wore them and went to the bathroom.

As she stepped in the bathroom, a black Persian cat with orange eyes followed her inside. "Mreow!" said the cat. It's name was Oreo.  It is a he.

She pets him and went to stand in front of the mirror, took off her glasses, puts it aside then brushes her teeth (ofc doing the steps >w>).

After she had brushed her teeth, she stripped her clothes off and walks inside the shower to clean herself.

After about 6 minutes she walks out of the shower freshly. She was feeling well and she was wearing towels. (One on her head and one on her body.) "Brr.. Cold.." She said as she walked out of the bathroom to her room to dress up for school.

She grabbed her undergarments and wore them, then her school uniform. Her uniform was a Japanese highschool uniform, those ones that has like black blouse, red bow on the chest, black short skirt with gold linings at the very end and black thigh high stockings. She combed her hair while looking at the mirror. "No matter how hard I try.. I still don't look good.." she said as she finished combing, she grabbed her handkerchief and her bag. She went downstairs and she walked straight out of her home. (Her home isn't much of a happy place.) She walked to the bus stop and sits there.

Airan's POV

"I wonder what else are waiting for me.. maybe I'll fuck them up even more than today.." I murmured to myself, but someone is standing just across me, he was leaning against the pole, he was wearing the boys uniform from her school and he had soft dark brown hair and red glistening eyes. He looked like someone out of a movie! or a bad ass comic series! "Are you okay, Miss?" he asked me. "I-I'm fine.. J-Just a little gloomy, t-that's a-all.." I caressed my arm and looking at the side. "Would you like me to accompany you for a while?" I blushed and looked at him. "S-Sure I-I guess.. I-If that d-doesn't bother you a-at least.." He sat down beside me and hugged me. "E-Eh?" He just kept hugging me. "M-Mister? What are you d-doing?" I asked him, confused. "Hugging you of course~ you looked like you need love and affection once in a while.. Tell me.. Do you live in a happy home?" he asked me, now caressing my head. "N-No.. Actually.. My mom assume too much of my dad without having enough evidence, my dad is in pain because my mom repeatedly keeps hitting him, my siblings doesn't care about anything.. I can't even talk to my mom or kiss her anymore.. I can't see my dad because he left us.. I wanted to join but.. I don't know.." I started to sob. "I-I cant make anything r-right can I-I.. I-I'm such a disgrace to my f-family.. Too lazy to do anything.. Mom being so manipulative.. Anxiety and depression aren't helping either.. I don't know who to talk to so I just keep it to myself.. I-I just.. I don't know what I should do.." I buried my face on his chest, crying a lot. "Shhh.. Its okay.. I'm here.. No need to cry.." he said to me. That made me smile a bit, but I still cried.

After a while I stopped crying, just as the bus arrived. "T-Thank you for listening to me talk about my problems.. I-I really never get the chance to talk about it.." I said to him with softness in my voice. "Oh no its no problem at all!" He replied.

"I'm Shikufumu by the way.."

"I'm Rinkashime.."

"Nice meeting you.."

"Nice meeting you too, Miss Shikufumu."

"D-do you want to come to school with me?" I looked aside.


Rinkashime grabbed my bag and his, held my hand and walked inside the bus.

We went into the middle of the bus, he let me sit down first beside the window, putted our bags on the shelf on top of us and sat down next to me, holding my hand again.

After 2 hours, the bus stopped in front of the school. Rinkashime grabbed our bags, gave mine and led me into the school. I felt warm and happy inside. He kept looking at me and smiling at me the whole time, and he even hold me close while I slept! Such a caring guy..

We went in Class C and he sat down at the front. I stopped for a bit and asked him "You're in the same section as me?". He replied with "Yeah! Isn't it great?". I smiled widely and said yes, I sat down next to him. I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling the whole class period.

Finally its lunch time.

(lets call them by their nicknames my hand hurts from typing ;w;)  

Me and Rinkashi went downstairs to the cafeteria. I brought my bento box with me and the same as with Rinkashi. We ate together. While eating he asked me. "You know.. You're cute.." I stopped, looked at him and blushed. "R-Really?" I asked, I wasn't sure if he was serious or not because this is the first time someone said that to me. "Yeah.. I can't stop looking at you, the whole time back in the classroom I kept looking back at you and smiling a lot because of how cute you looked like when you smile." I am internally screaming right now, RINKASHI IS NOW MY CRUSH, I FUCKING LOVE THIS MAN AND I WILL FOREVER! i hope he understands how much I love him ;w;

"Shiku?" He asked me while waving his hand at my face. I snap back to reality "H-huh?" 
"What do you think of what I said?" He questioned me. I gave a blushing face with wide eyes and quietly said "I feel hot and flattered." I then look away. "Heh.. Now you look even more cute." I quickly look at him and saw his face shining. His eyes glistening, my future with him flashing, everything feels so light and so carefree. "Hey Shiku?~" He said in a seducing voice.

I shudder and replied "Y-yes?" I also noticed that he packed up our bento boxes. He held my hand and looked to the side. "I know we just met but.. I think.. It's my first time feeling "Love at first sight"." I blush even harder because, I too, feel it. I'm having fantasy about us being together. What would he think of that. "Heheheh." He giggled, "What are you giggling at?" I said with a bit of a nervous tone. "I can hear your heart pounding~" I can feel his hand tightening its grip.

 My heart beats louder and harder to the point I can feel the pound going through my body. "Are you okay?" He asked me with concern. "Y-Yes! I-I feel okay! J-Just a little.. Uhh.. Flustered and flattered." I said covering my blushing face. He stands up and sits down beside me. "Hey.." He said grabbing my hands and holding it gently. "You look so cute~"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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