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The Canterlot Archives was considered by many to be one of the pinnacles of Equestria's educational system. The Archives had everything, from the seven million books, to the four million scrolls. It exclusively housed the Royal Library, home to not only the Princesses' personal books, but their letters and memoirs as well. There was the Restricted Access section, where all the dangerous Dark Magic materials, evil spells, and Luna's carrot casserole recipe were located. It was the envy of any librarian or bookworm and they'd pay a leg to get in.

“What does she see in all this?”

Dash crinkled her nose as she gazed at the shelves upon shelves of dusty encyclopedias.

Administrator Moot Point looked back.

“Now, Miss Dash, the Canterlot Archives is considered by many to be one of the pinnac—”

“Save your tour speech and just show us where Twilight is.”

Rarity huffed.

“Please, Rainbow. There's no need to be rude to the good Administrator.”

“I'm not being rude, I'm being forward.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Are you sure you don't mean froward?”

“Forward, froward. Tomato, tomato.”

Rarity, Moot, and Pinkie all giggled at Rainbow's misunderstanding.

“I must say, everypony at the Archives is concerned about the Lady Regent.”

Pinkie looked at him inquisitorially.

“Is it really true she's been here all night, and without any coffee cakes?”

“That it would. Not that it has ever been particularly unusual for her to do this. In the past, while studying for her magic finals, she spent a record fifty-eight hours here researching teleportation.”

Dash shuddered. She wasn't sure whether it was the thought of studying for finals, or of being in a massive library for two and a half days.

“A record, huh?”

“Oh yes. There was an official with a stopwatch and everything. She even got a plaque.”

“That's one record I don't think even I could beat.”

“As you can see, it isn't really that she's been here for fifteen hours, but that, combined with the whole immortality incident from yesterday, that has us concerned.”

Pinkie bounced along.

“Well don't you worry. We'll be sure to cheer Twilight up from the gloomy storm that has decided to big ol' gloomy downer on her.”

The four rounded another corner and entered an open circular area that was surrounded by bookcases. Soft padded chairs with stereotypical gray government upholstery rung the circle while several desks and chairs sat in the middle. At one of these desks were several stacks of books and scrolls. A purple horn could just be made out over the top of them.

Moot pointed to the desk.

“There she is. I'll leave you to it, then.”

With that, he walked away.

The three approached the purple alicorn with Dash leading the way.

“Twilight! What are you doing here?”

Twilight looked up from the twelve hundred page Health Institute of Equestria Medical and Ethical Guidelines, Vol. VII, Fifteenth Editionthat lay in front of her.

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