chapter 20

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who knows what the moon and the sun could be doing behind the darkest clouds that cover them?

"He what?" Elara is basically hissing as she stands facing Mace Windu, Anakin on one side and Obi Wan on her other. They both peer over at her, eyes wide with the shock of her hostility. The room seems to shake with her voice.

"Master Yoda has requested that you do not go after Count Dooku just yet," Master Windu's voice stays even as he glares at the vibrating, younger Jedi, "He thinks it is safer if you all stay with Padmé for now, as she is your assignment. Though we are thankful for the information you have given us, we think it is best that you stay here where you are needed most. Other Jedi can be sent after Dooku."

"This is ridiculous," Elara challenges him, her fists unclenching and clenching by her sides, "This was my information that I found. I am the best option to carry out a plan to capture the bastard. You wouldn't even have found out that he is an enemy if it weren't for me. I can do this. I don't even need-"

"Like I said," Windu interrupts her, rising from his chair as if to challenge her, "You are needed here. You three are the best for the job of guarding the senator. All three of you, not just two or one. We need you here. That is final."

Master Windu pushes past Elara, bumping her arm as he makes his exit from the council room.

Elara is bristling as she turns and follows suit. Anakin and Obi Wan follow close behind her, but they do not walk beside her, for they are still not on speaking terms with her.

Elara looks out the window as she walks back to their ship, back to Padmé's quarters. It would be so easy, far too easy to hijack a ship and get out of here, to run and become what she knows her blood itches to be, someone who doesn't need to take orders unless it's for her personal gain.

"Elara?" A word is uttered that reminds her as to why she has not left yet. Obi Wan and Elara are both equally shocked as Anakin speaks her name.

"I'm sorry this did not end up being your mission," Anakin continues even though Elara has not turned back, still moving, "But he's right. We do need you here. Now that you've secured the target, you can go back to being on guard. We've needed you in that role."

Anakin has missed her so much, his skin itches as he speaks the first words in months to her.

Her shoulders slump a little, her steps becoming less like stomps.

"He's right," Obi Wan chimes in, sensing the wall she has placed between the two of them slipping a little, "We do all need to be here. Together."

Finally, she stops. Elara turns around and the darkness in her eyes shatters her two old companions, but they stand their ground.

"I should leave you two," her voice bites them, "I could take him down all on my own. The Jedi would be grateful and I could be far from here." Her volume begins to rise, and people passing by are watching her as she seems about to set the world on fire.

Anakin knows this unchecked rage like nothing else. It mirrors itself within him most days, and he knows how much pain she must be in as the fire licks her insides and sets her heart ablaze.

Nothing has gone right for her. Nothing has gone right for them.

He remembers back to the night she saved Padmé by crushing another soul in exchange for Padmé's life, hanging in the balance. She had saved her without hesitation, and Anakin had never got to ask Elara why.

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