Chapter Two

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Curio strides into the garden and sits down on the other side of Juliet, looking at Francisco. Had he been crying? Should he mention it?

"Are you okay? Juliet did you make him cry? You know he's fragile." Curio teases lightly.

He notices the blonde's face turn red and he wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or the crying. He was concerned but didn't want to overstep. He knew Francisco would talk if he wanted to and he had no right to push.

Curio looks up as Francisco stands.

"I will be off now. I need to rest because I left just after dawn and didn't sleep well last night." Francisco gives a small bow and leaves the garden.

Curio looks at Juliet with a raised eyebrow.

"Is he okay?" He asked. "He isn't his usual flamboyant self."

Juliet shakes her head and gives him a smile.

"He's just needed someone to talk to. He's been having bad dreams." She explains.

Curio crosses his arms and nods. It must've been a really bad dream if it affected Francisco this much.

"What was the dream about?" He asks.

Juliet places her hands on Curio's forearm.

"That is something you need to talk to him about." She says gently. "And you should probably do it soon. Trust me."

Curio squints his good eye in confusion at her.

"What do you mean? Is something wrong?"

What the hell was going on? Was he- Curio shakes his head. He would never. RIght?

"Just talk to him. He needs a friend.'

"I will. After he is done resting."

Julier sighs but nods. She gets up and brushes off her skirt. She turns and looks back at him with a smile.

"Come. I'll show you your room and then we can spar. It's been too long since we've spared.'"

Curio gets up and grins. He had missed Juliet's attitude and energy.

"You're on but don't think just because you are royalty, I'm going to go easy on you. Because I'm not."

Juliet laughs.

"I wouldn't expect any less. I can still kick your behind." She says as they started down the hall.

"Here we are. You get settled in and I'm going to go change. Meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes?"

"Yes ma'am." Curio say good naturedly, waving and opening the door.

The room was nice, much nicer than he was used to. It had a plush carpet, a large and beautiful bed and an elegant armour. He didn't really care about those things though.He would have been fine with just a simple mattress on the floor but knew Juliet wouldn't stand for that. He approaches a large window that overlooked the garden. It was even more beautiful from up here . All the colours made a lovely picture.

Curio tore himself from the view when he heard footsteps outside his room. He approaches the door and nearly runs into Francisco. The blonde looked his usual self now, so perhaps he was feeling better now.


Francisco clearly hesitates but puts a easy going smile on his face.

"Lady Juliet is waiting for you. Come now. It's rude to keep a lady waiting."

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