-Chapter 2-

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The next day at school—

Ned and Peter met up outside Peter's locker, like they do everyday before school, and Peter told him about the interaction he had with Emma the day before, purposefully leaving out anything to do with her uncle, she should decide who knows, not him.
"Dude no way that's awesome you actually talked to her and got her to talk back! Sweet!" Ned said probably a little bit too loud but it's not like anyone was listening to anything other than what their friends were saying.
"Yeah she was really cool and maybe you'll get to meet her-formally meet her." Peter closed his locker
Ned nodded in agreement and they both headed to their first class, Algebra 2. After that they both had English and shop before lunch. Peter was eager to see Emma in class and hopefully introduce her and Ned, but she didn't show up. In fact she didn't show up to any of the classes before or after that... she didn't even show up to lunch!

Now at Emma's house, but like same time ya know... okay let's go!—

After lunch, Emma finished putting on the outfit she would wear for the rest of the day, except it wasn't just an ordinary outfit, it was black converse over black tights, a short yet flowy Black dress, with a purple hood to top it off hiding her hair that was in a ponytail. It wasn't much in terms of a superhero costume but it was all she was able to have right now and she was gonna make it work, plus it made it easy to conceal her identity. She had skipped school, told Coulson she was sick and since he was out of town on a "business trip" as he called it he couldn't come and verify whether she was or not so he called into school for her. She opened the back door to her small safe house and walked to the edge of her street which was a dead end filled with dumpsters. It was here that she put her hood over her head and took to the air, there were few things that she enjoyed more than flying. She flew to the top of a high building and sat down in an area where she knew she wouldn't be seen. As she sat there she took her phone out of her jacket pocket and clicked through the feed from the surveillance cameras that she set up weeks ago. Nothing was going on during the early afternoon of this Wednesday so she decided to lay down on the roof of the rectangular building, out her headphones into her phone and listen to some music, enjoying the peace and the view. She would not realize until a few hours later, but she fell asleep on the top of the building and only woke up when it was 5pm.
"SHIT!" She screamed as she checked the time on her phone, "Shit shit shit!" She checked the cameras and breathed a sigh of relief to know that everything still seemed normal even though she basically slept the day away. Emma got up towards the edge of the building, dangled her feet over the side, and did what got her the name "Ultra Violet"... she turned invisible. As she was sat there looking out at the New York skyline and thinking about everything she'd have to make up at school tomorrow, she saw something swinging from building to building. Now she had seen videos of this spider guy before, he was all over YouTube, but she had never really seen him in person and what was more he was heading right towards her- like he could see her. Emma immediately hid behind an air conditioning unit that was resting on the top of the building, about 20 seconds later the spider guy landed on the top of her building and just sat down.
"Karen," the voice said, it was muffled but somehow she thought the voice was familiar, "could you call Happy for me, I wanna give him my report for the day so far." Just as Emma thought this dude was as crazy as he looked, dressed in spandex talking to someone who wasn't there she heard it.
"Sure thing boss." The female voice was barely audible but she definitely heard it, goodness knows where it came from.
"Hey Happy, umm it's me... again..." his voice sounded upset and just a little but defeated, "I just wanted to let you know that I stopped another bike thief and got a doughnut in return, oh also I found a missing dog... who was really just stuck in the owner's fence but still I found him! So that's it for right now, are there anymore missions coming up because I really feel like I'm ready for something big. Please?"
Emma stood there trying not to move too much, but when the call ended and the spider guy lifted his mask halfway up his face she knew she just had to know. Sadly she overestimated her stealthiness and underestimated how good his sense were for the moment she moved her foot to take off and fly in front of him her foot hit the gravel and spider guy brought his mask all the way down and turned around.
"Who's there?" The familiar yet implacable voice called out to her, "Listen I'm spider-man, I'm sure you've heard of me and if you have then you know what I can do and I'd hate to hurt you." Even though he said that there was a shakiness in his voice that told her he probably wouldn't lay a hand on her, a web sure, but not a hand. However instead of running she stood up from her crouched position and walked, still invisible, to about 10 feet in front of him. As she did this- she could tell he was tightening his fists to look prepared to fight, however the moment she turned visible his fists dropped in shock. Sure she still had her hood easily covering her head and her identity but imagine if someone materialized in front of you, you'd be shocked too no matter if you knew the person or not.
"Woah, who the hell are you?" Spider-Man asked with some reservations in his voice, "And why were you following me?"
"Following you?" She retorted, making her voice just a pitch higher to disguise it, "I was on this roof way before you swung yourself up here if anyone should be asking the questions it should be me."
"Yeah well I'm not the one in the creepy hood!"
"And I'm not the one in the mask." All of a sudden her phone went off, one of her cameras picked something up, "Well it was a nice chat but I'll be going, bye!"
"Wait! I have to bring you in to Mr. Stark are you a good guy or a bad guy STOP!" But she disappeared before his eyes and he then heard a whooshing sound which helped him realize how she got to the top of the building in the first place, "Karen... call Happy back please."

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