"Yeah. She was a little upset about Adam and I, but she'll get over it." Lawrence grumbled.

Ron was going to say something back to Lawrence, but he couldn't quite read the emotions on his best friend's face. He looked tensed with anger and stress, but his eyes also seemed close to pooling over with tears. Either way, he knew he wanted to be alone with Adam.

"Hey, babe?" Ron grabbed David's hand. "Let's go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast, okay?"

Lawrence let a small smile cross his lips only for a second to thank Ron silently.

"I'm not that hungry. But okay," David sighed.

They both left the room, and Lawrence sat by Adam's bedside, holding his hand and waiting for him to wake up.


Adam's eyes snapped open quickly. So quickly he gave himself a migraine.

The last thing he remembered was sitting down next to Lawrence in the airport, and suddenly—he was here.

Where was here, exactly?

Adam sat up, and his head immediately swayed side to side. His vision blurred as he struggled to keep his body up. Before he knew it, he rolled onto his side and vomited on the floor.

The effects of the sedative hadn't fully worn off yet.

Laying onto his back, Adam looked at the ceiling and groaned.

A nurse was at his bedside cleaning up the mess he'd just made, and the doctor who'd been in charge of helping him was called in right away.

Lawrence tried to approach Adam, but was immediately stopped by the doctor. "He needs a minute, sir. He's just been through trauma, and I need to make sure he is awake for real this time."

The doctor stood over Adam's bedside. "What's your name, young man?"

"Adam Faulkner-Stanheight." Adam droned with his hand over his eyes.

The doctor looked at Lawrence and nodded, indicating to Larry that Adam was really awake. He could hear her and was responding. 

"How are you feeling, Adam?"

"Like shit."

Adam slowly peeled his hands off of his eyes and squinted at the doctor. "Why am I here? How did I get here?"

"What's the last thing you remember, Adam?" the doctor pried.

"I was waiting for a flight at the airport with my boyfriend. And now I'm here." His voice trailed off in confusion. His puppy dog eyes glistened with the need to know what was going on. Lawrence couldn't contain himself.

"Adam? Baby, you had an accident." Lawrence rushed closer to his bed.

Adam looked up at him. "Lawrence?" he was almost crying. "What happened? I'm so confused."

"You had a PTSD episode," the doctor answered. "Something triggered inside of you and it evoked an extreme response. You dissociated from shock. Think of it as a stress induced type of coma for simpler terms."

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