In Class

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Chloe's POV

I was so excited about this week because I was on top of the pyramid, I got a new lyrical solo, & I got to be featured in the group number.

While we were learning the group number I noticed that Ms.Abby was screaming at Maddie the most. It was odd because she never screams at Maddie.

I also noticed she hasn't screamed at Paige,Brooke,& I at all she was actually being nice to us, which is odd because we are the ones who got screamed at the most.

After group rehearsal Ms.Abby said she wanted to start with my solo. I already loved it was so beautiful & it had a lot of good turn combinations.

When it was finally finished I saw Ms.Abby in tears which is not common for me, because she usually only cries when Maddie is dancing.

She told me "Chloe I think that was the best routine was I have ever seen" I said "thank you"

Then she told me "can you got get Paige so she can learn her solo" I nodded and went into the dancers den to get Paige.

After I told Paige it was time for her solo rehearsal I started my math homework.

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