Chapter One.

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A strange new world.

Sonic the Hedgehog. So this is his world, eh? I remember playing the games. Game Gear, Dreamcast, Game Boy, Genesis, Wii. They were fun games. Now I can meet the Hedgehog himself.

I ran in the direction that he ran in. I know. I won't be able to run as fast as him. But he has to stop some time. When he does, I can catch him.

Then again, he could be stopping up ahead at that giant egg shaped ship ahead. Eggman. The most evil being in this planet. I'm still trying to figure out how a human like him got to Mobius. According to Sonic X, there was a rip in time and space that caused earth to split into two planets. One got flung into a parallel universe. Right where earth would be. Sonic and the others got to earth through some sort of alignment that took place. But nobody really knows how Dr. Eggman got to Mobius. Theories. Thats all.

It took me a while, but I caught up to him. He was battling the Eggbreath. Luckily I carry with me a Wacky Sack. Wakko has his, but I have my own. Also, Wakko uses a mallet. I am pretty good with a mallet as well. I pulled mine out and ran into the battle.

Eggman looked shocked. He probably never saw a Warner before. I swung left and right, knocking his robotical minions and crashing them. Sonic did the same, minus the mallet. Amy Rose was there. I think she was jealous of my mallet. I like a brown mallet. She has a pink hammer. Dot might like one of those. I'll have to bring one back for her. And I can ask Amy where she got hers. Brilliant.

Back to the battle. There were Buzz Bombers, Crabmeats, Spiky bots, and a few other robots with weird names that I never memorized. Team Yakko made quick work of them. After a minute of me helping in the battle, it was over.

"Curse you Hedgehog! And you, you, you, you.. Whatever you are!" Doctor Eggman said.

"Well thank you. I'm one of the Warner Brothers. I have a brother named Wakko, and a sister named Dot. She's the cute one." I said.

"What?! Agghh! I'll get you next time Sonic! You can count on it!" Eggie said then flew away in his Eggmobile.

Sonic, Amy, Tails, Sticks, Knuckles, and Bunny Rabbot stood around me. They probably never saw someone like me before.

"Hi. Nice to meet yall. I'm Yakko."

"Hello. I'm Sonic. That there is Amy.."

"Hi." Amy said.

"And Tails.."



"Beware the aliens. You never know what they are up to."

"And Bunny Rabbot."

"Hey there. You can call me Buns."

"I know all of your names already. I beat every game." I said.

"What do you mean?" Tails asked.

"Nothing important." I said.

They all stares at me.

"What are you?" Bunny asked.

"Well, ya really wanna know?"

"Sure." Sonic said.

That sounds like a song cue to me. I wish Wakko and Dot were here to sing it with me. At least the music thing that plays the music when we want to sing is still here. The music starting gave them a start. The last time something like that played was when Eggman bought that Background Music Generator in Sonic Boom. (A/N. By the way. I've been asked to at least mention some way to order your own Background Music Generator. Ahem. Call 1-800-EGGMAN and order your own Background Music Generator for only $25.99. Call now and you'll receive a large obliterator bot free. What kid doesn't enjoy destroying things? Remember, the phone number is 1-800-EGGMAN. Operators are standing by)

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