Celestia sighed in defeat before she telekinetically lifted the contents of the suitcase onto a nearby table.

"Not at all, Twilight. Just packing. I see Rainbow Dash was able to halt your panic attack."

"How did you know?"

"You've been handling things so well over the last few months, I knew it was only a matter of time."

Twilight looked down.


Celestia lifted up Twilight's head.

"Now don't be like that, Twilight. Everypony panics. Even me."

"You don't panic."

Celestia gave Twilight a look.

"Oh? The changelings invasion, Discord's return, but especially Luna's fall all caused me a great deal of panic-and heartbreak. It's natural to feel uneasy and even terrified. What's important is conquering those feelings and showing leadership and courage."

Twilight smiled.

"See, Twilight? Sometimes you're too self-critical. Learn to have some faith in yourself, like you have faith in your friends."

"But I don't know. What if this whole Regency business implodes on me? It's happened plenty of times before. There was Hill Burrow's attempted regicide during the eleventh Regency, the Griffo-Minotaurian invasion during the sixth Regency, the Cutie Pox Pandemic during the-"

"Twilight. You'll do just fine. While it's true that most of the Regencies didn't go so well, it's also true that Equestria was always strengthened by them. Equestria, and indeed, you, are like iron. You're both strong, but brittle. Add a little fire-some trials and challenges-and you'll come out of it stronger than ever."

"But, princess, iron requires carbon to-"

Celestia laughed.

"It's a metaphor, Twilight. What I'm saying is you'll face adversities, but you'll always come away from it stronger."

Twilight's smile grew.

"Thanks. But, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Just wanted to give you a little encouragement and ask you a very important question."


Celestia held up a pair of shorts.

"Do these make me look big?"


The Outer Ballroom-home to Twilight's coronation and the wedding-once again was called upon for an important function. As with before, numerous important ponies filled the hall. Standing on the platform were Equestria's three princesses, Chief Justice Docket Number, and a red unicorn stallion known as Archmage Morning Star, head the of the Arcane Magic Council.

Docket Number spoke.

"We are all gathered here today, to take part in this once a century tradition. In order to absolve the Princesses Celestia and Luna of the great burden that ruling our fair country imposes, we will grant them a yearlong respite from their duties as a reward for their services and sacrifices in order for them to rest and rejuvenate themselves for the long and weary road ahead. To that end, a Regent is required to fulfill the royal duties and a council of honored and trustworthy mages is needed to control the sun and moon.

"After a long search, the Day and Night Courts have selected Her Majesty, Princess Sparkle as their candidate for Regent. The United Parliament of the Principality of Equestria and Its Territories, after a rousing and earnest debate, has agreed with Their Majesties' choice and approved Princess Sparkle as Regent. Twilight Sparkle, please step forward."

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