at school

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roc pov: as me and da boys waited for our gf to come to school we were talking about where we gonna take

da girls for our  anniversary it's weird we meet at the same time well their friends so of course end of pov

Princeton pov: where are they at shit school starts in 30 min

totty pov: Sosa is my best friend and so are the rest i caught a ride with sosa in her new pink camaro I got my own car but I wanted to ride with my girls but we just pulled up at school and got out da car

roc pov: finally y'all get here because I thought y'all weren't coming to school today so where are we going tonight bae end of pov

totty pov: idk but I wanted to go to da bahamma's for a whole week end of pov

Sosa pov: a babe can we go with dem please and I got a surprise when we get there

prod pov: OK but don't be lying to me or me &my big friend  gone take u down when we get there and dats a promise end of pov

totty pov: they some nasties but how about you ozia and star end of pov

ozia pov: well yea if ej comes end of pov

star pov: looks at ray then back at me and said she'll be there end of pov

roc pov: how about you ray end of pov

ray pov: hell yea I'm going me and my baby  are coming to have funlooks at star and smiles end of pov

star pov: I blush a little then give ray a kiss then it turns to a make out session end of pov

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