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gerald pov:

After my final show, I hit the clubs with Grady and Nathan. Ash was staying behind in the hotel because she had a bad headache. I wanted to stay with her, but she told me to go out and have some fun.

At the club, I went to the bar to get a can of whiskey and just sat down on a stool and went on my phone. I texted Ash to see if she was okay, and she told me she was and that she was getting annoyed of me checking up on her every five minutes. I couldn't help it, I was a concerned boyfriend. Just then, a tall, brunette walked up to me and started fliriting with me.

"Listen, uh hey, I have a girlfriend and I would really appreciate if you stopped flirting with me"

"Sure baby", she teased stroking my chin.

Disgusted, I was about to up and leave when she shoved her mouth onto mine. WHAT THE FUCK!? I thought. I saw the flashes go off and immediately shoved the girl off of me. Before I could yell at her, she ran off.


After searching through the crowds, I found Grady and Nathan and immediately dragged them out of  the club.

"What the hell man!" said Grady, surprisingly sober.

"Look we gotta call the Uber and get back to the fucking hotel room and talk to Ash before she jumps to conclusions."


"I'll explain in the Uber"

Waiting outside in the dead cold in the middle of Chicago, I saw the bright lights of the driver was coming to take us to our destination. Once we hopped into the Uber, I gave the driver the address of our hotel and told him to get there as fast as possible.

"Bad luck man", my driver said. "Theres some hella bad traffic on the roads right now"

I groaned and got ready for whatever chaos was about to happen.

"So you gonna tell me what happened". Grady quietly asked next to a passed out Nathan.

"Well this dumbass girl came up to me at the bar and started flirting with me. I told her to fucking quit it, but then she kissed me. I pushed her off me, but it was too late because I saw the flashes, but then she ran off! Like what the actual fuck!"

"Ah if you don't explain to Ash your gonna have a god damn storm ahead of you. Lets just hope the papz don't have the video yet."

"I doubt it" I muttered. This was gonna be one hell of a ride.

ashely pov:

Staring at the mesmerizing TV screen watching yet another rerun of Harry Potter, I suddenly got a call. It was Payton.

"Hey whats up?"

"Um Ash have you seen the video yet"

"Uhh gotta be more specific Payton"

"So you havent?"

"Ummm no?"

"You might not wanna see it"

"See WHAT?"

"You know what? I'll just send it to you"

"Okay.." I sighed. This could not be good."

A short 30 seconds later, I got a text from Payton. I clicked on the video and immediately felt the tears coming to my eyes. It was a video of Gerald in the club. But he was kissing another girl...

Harshly gripping my phone, I jabbed at the screen and blocked Gerald on every single thing I could. Phone, Instagram, Twitter, everything. I did not associate myself with cheaters. 

A/N: Okay I'm leaving as a cliff hanger, because I haven't updated in a while! Enjoy another shit update! I'll post the rest separately, hopefully soon, because you never know with me...


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