Chapter 6: Baring my fangs.

Start from the beginning

The truck turned off onto a street full of large houses and as we got deeper into the maze, the houses grew further apart and nearer to the woods. Finally we turned off onto a driveway I knew well, and it slightly amused me. It was the mansion we had robbed on new years, but this time the lights lit up the whole building

I looked down to my leg, my trouser legs slowly soaking in the blood from my wound. It was going to be hard to fight on it, let alone run and the blood would make me easier to track. But I was slightly optimistic and if I could at least get Justine out, I'm sure I die happy. Well, not happy and I don't really want to die but my chances of survival were slim.

I readied myself standing up and hiding the blade behind my back, putting on my best innocent face as the truck pulled to a stop behind the car in front of the house. I heard several car doors open and shut before I spotted a vampire walking around the cage. He appeared to be absent mindedly playing with some keys so he didn't immediately notice it was just me till he almost reached the door.

"Where the fuck are the others?" He shouted.

I wasn't sure if it was to me or the others and I didn't care. I booted the cage door open, smacking him in the face with it. I revealed Hope before swinging it around with such speed it removed his head from his neck in one blow, the blood splattering across my face and the floor.

I turned and glare at the other vampires that were coming over, each of them bringing out a stun baton. I pulled out a small dagger from my waist line before walking slowly back from the vampires. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves and clearing my head.

One charged at me from the right of the truck, aiming to hit me on my left side with the stun baton. I twirled out the way before stabbing the dagger into his wrist, my body swinging round at the same time get him with Hope in the side of his neck. He dodged the blade but I changed direction and swung down on his arm, cutting deep into the muscle.

I spotted another sneaking up on me from behind so I removed the dagger from his wrist and threw it. It landed in the other one's chest squarely, missing the heart but near enough to stun him for a while. I pulled out Hope and stab it upwards under the chin, going through his jaw and into the brain. I pulled away, the body slumping to the ground at my feet. 

I ran to the other one and quickly stabbed him through his chest, blood pouring out as my blade cut into his hand. I tore out both weapons and just about to turn around when I was grabbed from behind and thrown a couple of metres away where I landed on my back.  I rolled onto my hands and shoulder, before flicking my body up in the air and landing on the balls of my feet. I looked at the Vampire who had thrown me, it was the big one the size of a bear that had knocked me off my feet back at the farm. This time he had a grin on his face, his fangs glistening from the house lights.

"It's been a while since one of you pathetic humans have fought back. It's quite refreshing really." He told me.

We circled each other, me backing away from the others so I didn't have to worry about my back. I adjusted my weapons in my hand, tightening my grip on both nervously.

"You underestimate me, Tick."

My eyes continued to flick around, constantly looking for any sign of movement. He feint stepped towards me, my body shifting slightly, ready for him to attack. Then he leapt to the right before charging at me and slide across the ground to take out my feet. I managed to jump out the way in time and brought my dagger down to bury it in his chest. He just managed to roll out the way, my dagger grazing his arm before getting lodged in the grass.

He swung his leg up, his foot connecting into my ribs causing my to back away slightly, the wind knocked from me.I stumbled, my free hand holding my side where I knew a rib was broken. In the mean time he had managed to stand up and was now heading towards me. I stood up straight, wincing, my anger was now sky rocketing.

Before he had chance to lunge at me, I leapt forward, swapping Hope from my right hand to my left behind my back. I ducked underneath his hand which he had obviously outstretched to catch me, and brought the blade down hard into his thigh. Then ripping it out I kicked him away from me causing him to fall on the floor. I stood over him and sank to the floor bring Hope right into his chest. I looked round at the others that were left and glared at them.

I yanked my blade out of the guys chest, got up on my feet and faced them. I could see Justine still in the car which looked to be locked, probably to prevent her from escaping. I tilted my head forward slightly, smiling at them as I prepared to charge when my legs were swept from underneath me.

I landed on the floor and was ready to kick my attacker when a boot pressed onto my leg wound. I gritted my teeth and looked up to see which one had gotten behind me. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief. It was him. The one from that night. And he looked pissed off.

"You had to bare your teeth, didn't you?" He smirked.

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