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Max hand rested on the beatless chest of Ian for the last time. His body jerked forward as he allowed himself to cry in front of people for the first, and last time he hoped. He hadn't realised until the child tugged on his pants leg that they were right beside him.  The small kid's face was twisted into a frown.

Max kneeled down so he was face to face with his kid."Papa, I miss Daddy." The tiny human bellowed. This pushed more tears to the brink of his eye."I know, baby. I know." Max choked out, grabbing the child by the waist and hugged them tightly.

Max's face was red and splotchy by the time everybody at the funeral had arrived at the burial site. The clouds seemed to pity Max and the newly parent depraved children, as they hung low in the sky. The puffy grey clouds moved begrudgingly across the sky, whispering their condolence to the family silently.

The forlorn children watched, and yearned for their father's warmth. Even the 'stonewall' Mae was weeping bitterly. The children were wrecked, but even a blind man could tell Max was the worst.

Max's family was his religion.

What's a religion without a God?

And Tango Makes Three | MaxianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang