I put my phone down and googled the address it was like a mile from here but if I started walking I could probably get there on time. 


   After walking for what felt like forever I finally made it. The house was small and has a small white fence around it and the house had blue trim. It was cute. I knocked on the door and Kevin answered "Hi, come in." 

I walked in "Why couldn't we have just met in the classroom?" 

"Every like second Second and Fourth Friday they clean the classrooms or something like that. They are not open tonight. Make yourself at home." 

I looked around and saw nothing. No pictures on the walls or trophies from childhood teams. Nothing. 

I gathered around with the others and we began talking about our game plan. We talked about a lot of different things regarding the project. The university was not going to let just any piece about them go out into the world. It had to be amazing and writing something amazing was not easy. We actually got a couple idea down and wrote a few sentences, but then our time was up. 

Everyone left their dirty dishes around Mr. Kevin's coffee table and I was just not raised this way. I picked up th cups and plates and took them to the kitchen. This little house had no dish washer so I poured some soap onto a sponge and went to work. Kevin came into the kitchen " don't have to." 

I looked at him and smiled "You opened your home to me, I don't mind." 

He started putting food away that the college kids had helped themselves to and we did our separate work in silence. 

*Growl* uh oh. My stomach growled. I did not eat his food without asking like the others so I was kind of hungry. Shhh. Please, please be quiet. 


Mr. Kevin laughed. "Are you hungry?" 

"Um, just a little." 

"You know I'm pretty hungry, too. How about we cook some dinner?" 

Dinner sounded so nice. Who was I kidding, I was starving! 

"That sounds wonderful." 

We scanned his pantry for something to make and we pulled out all the ingredients to make Spaghetti. We boiled the noodles and browned the meat and prepared some sauce. We mixed it together and it came together perfectly. It looked beautiful. He put two plates full of pasta down on the kitchen table and filled two glasses of wine and we sat and ate. 

I took a bite "Mmm this is SO good." I ate as if I have not eaten in years. 

"Slow down." He laughed. 

His laugh was beautiful. 

I took a large sip of my wine and watched as he watched me. We both ate while our eyes were locked. It was both awkward and somehow really thrilling. I finished my wine. 

"More?" He held up the bottle. 

I handed him my glass "Please." 

He filled it and handed it back to me and I began to drink from it. 

We finished our plates and I looked at him as if asking what happens next. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" 

I nodded. I had not watched a movie in ages. Living in a dorm without a TV, I never got to. I picked up my wine and grabbed the wine bottle. I followed him to the living room where he had a while rack of DVD's. 

The Professor and I (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now