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You're probably wondering what the heck was that about. Well in order for you to understand. I have to go back ANY ANY months before All this.


"Alright class don't forget your book report is due tomorrow"

"Dang I forget about it Alice let me copy off of yours" Kay

"NO, kay you should have done it yourself you had a month to do it" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. She really gets on my nerves

"But I was busy"

"With what may I ask"

"Nothing that concerns you thank you very much"

"Whatever" SMH "what is wrong with this girl" I muttered loud enough so only I could hear. But I guess she heard me because she rolled her eyes at me like I cared.

"Anyways have you seen John lastly?"

"No why"

"Because I have to talk to him about what I saw last week" As she said with an evil grin on her face

"KAY are you still Blackmailing that Poor boy" If your confused let me explain John is one of the football at our school which is Foxwood (I know stupid name right ._.) He did something that could ruin his career and kay saw him and well I don't need to explain any further right. ._.

"Yes and he owns me twenty dollars and a bunch of other things"

"You're a monster"

"HOW" she said it like she was surprised that I called her one.

"Aish you're no hope" I rolled my eyes and walked away form her.

Kay curry
5 foot 2 inches
And she could uses a little help

"Alice" ????

"Ummm" I turn around to face Sofia "yea what do u need" 

~Back to the persent~


"Um" I turned to Clara "no what did you say"

"I said to open the door John is right there and we have little time to stop so I don't want to waste time on him opening the door"

I nodded and open the door as John jumped into the car and closed the door behind him "what the hell took you so long to come Clara uh"

"Well I am sorry I was just helping out your partner which you left to be eaten"

"I didn't leave her I was just going to look for help"

"Yeah and I am made of snow" she glared at him though the rearview mirror

"So umm Clara"

"Yea Alice" she looked at me sideways

"How did you and Jason get spilt up"

"We were on our way to a mountain range we thought was clear as we walked in they started to come out of everywhere in the middle of the fight Jason and me got sperated"

"How do you know he is still alive than"

"I saw him made it off the mountain top on a bike just as I was getting in the car I tried to follow him but by the time I go to the bottom of the mountain he was no where in site" she gripped the steering wheel as she looked forward 


"Yea I just hope he is in the camp with Amber if not she is going to kill me for losing him"

John summer
6 foot 4 inches
Brown hair
And dark Brown eyes
Skin tone light brown

Jason Flynn
5 foot 11 inches
Blond hair
Blue eyes
Super skinny
Skin tone Caucasian

Amber Smith
5 foot 6 inches
Light brown hair
Dark brown eyes
Skin tone mixed

Night Of The Living DeadUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum