Caught or not?

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Our heated makeout sesion was cut short by a knock on the door. Reaching for the knob i realised what position we were in, my cheeks were surely flushed and both of our hair were probably wild from being ran through repeaditly. Trying to hold in my giggles i looked up at Jake to notice he was about to laugh too. After we made eye contact we started to laugh, his deep chuckles invaded my ears, it was the most pleasant sound id heard in my life. Ivry was starting to agree when the door was suddenly flung open ruining the perfect moment. The invader just happened to be my older brother Justin, of course. His eyes were filled with rage as they flickered between me and Jake. "Your may be eighteen Emily but this sort of behaivor is frowned upon and you know it." he preeched. "Oh get your panties out of a wad Justin, this," i paused motioning to Jake, "Just happens to be may mate, Jake, future Alpha, so stop jumping to conclusions you big oof" i giggle the last few words. "Ohh that makes some sense i was pretty confused i didnt expect you to be prowling around with random guys, but it was pretty weird seeing my little sister disappear into a supply closet with a random guy, your just lucky it was me who saw you! And as for you" he turned to Jake " It is nice to meet you but i wished it wouldnt have looked so weird Justin.. right" he stopped as Justin nodded " and nice to meet you too" he replied with a smile. Before Justin could reply I pulled Jake out of sight and towards our little group. Before we got there i was stopped to a growl. Turning i saw Jake giving a group of guys death glares and giggled tugging him along. I was met by a shy smile and a light chuckle.

Sorry guys i had to upload again but i couldnt do anything to big but i also didnt want to lose my train of thought! I might upload again tonight but that would be if my phone wants to cooperate. sorry for the bad spelling!!! id really apreciate some comments nothing negative please but comments are comments im lucky im getting any kind of notifications! love ya- DEVINNE!!!!!

Young Wild and Free... Maybe?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα