Chapter 21 | The Intruding House Elf

Start from the beginning

Slowly, Dudley reached forward and touched one of the cherries on the cake. His mother smacked his hand away, shaking her head in denial. He glared at her with gritted teeth. She laughed nervously, composing herself.

"Not now. It's for when the Masons arrive," Aunt Petunia defended.

"Which should be any minute," Uncle Vernon said. He threw his hands into the air, gesturing for his family to enter the living room. The other two family member passed by Harry. "Now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive, you will be...?"

Instinctively, Aunt Petunia waltzed over towards the fireplace. She reached up and placed her delicate hand on the mantlepiece. She gestured towards the couches in the living room with her other hand. A prominent smile stretched across her dainty face.

"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home." She said with a proud smile on her face. She lifted her hand and touched the string of pearls draped across her bony neckline, clearing her throat.

"Good. And Dudley, you will be...?"

"I'll be waiting to open the door," Dudley said in a proper mocking tone of voice. He smirked to himself, straightening out his suit coat. His thin hair was slicked back, pushing to the side perfectly. His suit coat was brand new, unlike the old one where he was nearly bursting out of the buttons. His red bow tie was uncomfortably tight around his fat neck.


The family of three gathered together. They turned around and glared at the boy who did not belong in their family. They narrowed their eyes at him, scoffing to themselves about his mere existence.

"And you?" Vernon asked.

"I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist." Harry said as if he had it rehearsed. His uncle narrowed his eyes and nodded his head in confirmation. The poor boy swallowed thickly.

"Too right. You will," Uncle Vernon hissed. "With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of my career and you will not mess it up," he added with a warning glare. His eyes were burning with rage.

Hesitantly, Harry turned around and walked back up the stairs. He could hear the doorbell ringing in the distance. His family members opened the door, their voices were mumbled due to the distance. They welcomed the guests into the house.

In result, Harry reached for his doorknob and opened his bedroom door. He stepped inside the room. He froze in his place upon seeing an unfamiliar creature jumping on his bed. The creature whooped to himself with each jump.

The little thing turned around and stopped jumping. His large green eyes raked over the boy's body. His big ears wiggled slightly. His long nose was the same color as his skin, a light pink. He was wearing a rather dirty old pillowcase, tied around his two shoulders to keep it up. He was barefoot. A little scrawny for his nature.

"Harry Potter," the creature breathed. "Such an honor it is," the thing said with a small bow.

Quickly, Harry closed the door behind him. He opened his mouth to speak only to find no words coming to mind. He shook his head in confusion, looking at the creature with curious eyes. The little creature smiled up at him with beaming eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Dobby, sir. Dobby the house-elf," the creature explained with a small smile on his face.

"Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom." Harry admitted. His eyes were gleaming in the light, panting slightly from the walk up the stairs. He was a bit annoyed, frustrated.

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