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Running her delicate hand along the empty space beside her Mrs Lovett slowly opened her eyes to the empty bed, realising Sweeney had gone. The morning was a somewhat bright one, the rays of sunlight streamed through the thin discoloured tatted yellow drapes across the window of her bedroom. She let out a small groaned  as she began to properly wake herself up, not that she wanted too. Her shop would re-open today and her 'rest' was now over. Pulling herself up from the bed Nellie yawned into her hand before catching her reflection in the mirror opposite her. "What a state" she mutter to herself seeing how her hair had spread out high above her head in all angles like a knotty mess. Not only that but her makeup from the day before was smudged and smeared. Maybe it was a good thing Sweeney left when he did She mused to herself.

After getting washed, dressed and made up to look a little more presentable  Nellie left her bedroom to open up the pie shop. Toby was already busy rolling out the dough behind the counter as she walked in. She noticed he already had prepared the baking trays as well for her. "Mornin' love" Nellie smiled walking into the shop and switching the door sign from closed to open.

"Mornin' mum, ave made ya breakfast" He proudly stated, dumping a ladle into a huge cooking pot on the stove before grabbing a bowl and pouring the content of porridge into a bowl. She smiled fondly and heading ever to him.

"What did I ever do without ya" she chuckled pressing a kiss to his cheek and giving him a quick squeeze before taking her breakfast. Toby gleamed at that and watched as she took a seat on one of the barstools by the counter.

As soon as she began to eat the bell above the pie shop door sounded causing them both to look around. Mrs Lovett jumped up realising it was a customer but only raised an eyebrow noticing just who it was. "Morning" the mysterious man smiled tipping his hat to her and taking a seat in one of the booths.

Glancing at Toby who also realised who this man was Mrs Lovett cleared her throat before heading over to him "What can I get for ya sir?" she asked watching closely as the man seemed to look like he was scanning the place with his eyes. Something about him made her uneasy, he was very odd that was for sure "Just a tumbler of gin would be lovely, thank you" He replied his green eyes returning back on the baker. His eyes were so focused on her face that it made her gulp under the intensity of his stare. He was quite an attractive looking man with dark hair and a young face, he even dressed well too but behind those eyes Mrs Lovett knew he was up to something, the stranger was too....strange.

Moving away and heading over to Toby she smiled nervously at him. For some reason having this man in the pie shop made her feel as if she were walking on egg shells. The very fact she and Toby had spotted him yesterday lurking outside the shop and taking notes kept playing in the back of her mind.

"Lovely day isn't it Mrs Lovett" Richard stated with a small smile as she came back over to him with his glass of gin.

"Yes, nice to ave' a change... am glad we're headin' into the summer months now" Why she felt the need to chat she didn't know, the atmosphere in the room was uncomfortable and even Toby was watching carefully and protectively over his mum. This man was trouble, Toby had like a sixth sense when it came to spotting danger.

Sipping at his gin as he looked at the baker Richard smiled. "Do you get busy here Mrs Lovett?" he asked.

Pouting her lips a little she placed her hands on her hips "suppose we do from time to time, mostly in the evenings" she narrowed her eyes subtly on him as he drank the gin. She wanted to ask who he was and what his business was here. He of course would know the answer to her question anyway seeing as she had spotted him a few days ago sitting outside her courtyard, observing the madness that was her evening rush. Just who on earth was he?

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