Aerospace II - Breton Force

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Dad called me into his study as I came home one day. "You are turning 18 and we will have a big event around it, if you want. But what I want to talk to you about is a job."

"You can forget the party. Joseph and I are going to a big native dance in Whycocomagh. It will be outside and everyone will be there."

He said, "I was young, so I understand you want to be with your friends. I am very glad that you are involved with these people. The CIA would never have planted a spy among the Mi'kmaq people. Your mother's grandmother was Mi'kmaq."

This was old news to me. "Ok dad, what about the job?"

"You know about the tug plane?"

"Yah, the Seagull." I said.

"Good name. Well it will be more of an eagle, when it finally starts earning its stay. I want you to  fly the thing. If you want, you can learn the shuttle as well. I need people I can trust."

"Ok Dad, I will do it. You know I love to fly. This shuttle. You have been keeping it under a tight blanket."

He stood up and led me out to the field and then we walked the distance to the last hanger.

"I need my privacy. I know you can keep your mouth shut. That is why I am showing you this now." He unlocked the door at the side of the larger doors.

With the lights turned on, he pulled the huge cloth back so I could see the front end.

He said, "You can find all kinds of information online and I have stuff at the house. I want you to know it inside out. Did I mention that you are getting a tutor in aerospace engineering? When you are not flying, you will be studying."

I have a very good memory and am quick with the maths and special recognition. I already know most of the history of aerospace and father knows that.

It was black and a bit clunky. The shuttle was the Skylord, which I have spent many nights studying. I was glad that dad bought it. It is my favourite.

Dad said, "The company went under. Governments are such fools. It is a going concern. But they were having issues with the lifting capacity and the orbital height. I bought the two of them. Used our airship, to get it out of the old country fast. Did I mention that I bought an airship? It will be here by morning with some shuttle parts. Your Seagull is going to solve all our height problems. It will lift this shuttle up to 20km near the equator. The shuttle will fire up and continue to a medium orbit."

"Two stage. Not bad. I had figured most of this out already. You were in a hurry for me to get my commercial license."

"Sorry to rush you. Life is short. So early to bed. You have some studying to do in the morning."

I did not mind. I knew that dad spent most of his time studying, until he was ready to pounce like a fox. It was why he had done so well on the stock market.

I spent the whole summer and fall raking through the brains of my english engineer teacher. He was hired to maintain the shuttle. But until the program got started. He taught me. His name is Brian Moore and he is one of the early engineers on the Skylord project. Father was paying him more than he ever got in England.

Chapter Two : Mi'kmaq Pilots

I told dad when Joseph had completed his license.

"Good. I want to hire him. Give him a call and we will talk."

Joseph was finishing his flight lessons at Margaree and now my father wanted to hire him? I looked at dad with a big question on my face.

He said, "Where do you think I am going to get good people? The government employment office?"

Aerospace II - The Island CycleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora