Horror Winners

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Hello everyone!! its time to announce the incredibly amazing winners of Horror!! These fabulous works were chosen by your lovely judge: psycholicious1 Thank you for helping out in my contest, You are a fantastic judge!

Please remember! If you want your winner sticker please pm my main account: coolcourtney5

For our third place winner: 

Death is only the Beginning by: A_Sinful_Writer 

Congratulations love! <3 

Coming in at second place we have: 

Battle of the Killers by: KozmicKookieDxD 

Congratulations love!! <3 <3 

Annnnd! Finally! For our first place winner: 

Psychosis by: Jessex001 

Congratulations love!!! <3 <3 <3 

I would like to thank all of you again for entering, and once again thank your hard working judge who I hope you all followed. Thank you all so much! <3 I hope to see you all back here again for my next awards! <3 

The Chaos Awards: 2!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora