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B. Kent





© 2013 Bethany Kent

All Rights Reserved








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The Day of Fire




Bloody, orange flames licked up the walls of a shack down the roadway. The mesmerizing dance of the fire flickered against the windowpane. The heat from the growing inferno reached toward her, though the fire spawned from somewhere far away. Smoke, billowed up into the sky in charred, gray clouds singeing the golden, Carcher pennant. It flapped in the breeze and caught fire igniting the flag of Fal-Revere above it. The geometric white square, with a green triangle inside, was soon nothing more than strings and ash.


Ahnie brushed away a lock of black hair as she peeked through a tattered curtain; the flames, as distant as they were, reflected in her deep brown eyes. She held her breath, not thinking, only afraid.


“Come away Ahnie,” her older sister Rahla whispered from a darkened corner where she and Kaiya hovered. “Father and mother will return soon. We must stay hidden.”


Ahnie paused, gripping the curtain loosely with her left hand. She looked back and forth from Rahla to the window. A line of soldiers abruptly came into view. She could hear the clank of the men’s armor. It was engraved with the fiery-crowned sword. Ahnie froze.


“Ahnie, come!” Kaiya, her eldest sister called. “If you don’t, I’ll beat you so hard you’ll have to tell on me.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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