Chapter Fourty-Two

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*Austin's POV*

It had been two weeks since we got out. The ambulances had driven us back to California, where our family and friends were. Jordan cried the whole way there, whimpering about the men that used her, used us.

Alan tried talking to me on the way back, but it was like my voice wouldn't work. All I could do was stare blankly at everything, trying to register what I actually saw.

When we arrived at the hospital there were the tabloids everywhere, trying to snap photos and asking us questions about what happened. Police and hospital staff had to force them away due to the stress we all were feeling.

Two weeks after being free and we were still hardly able to function properly. We had only just started to cope without being with each other, but even that could only last for half an hour, tops. The therapist sat beside me, rubbing my back as I wept in her office. I still couldn't say a word, let alone sing. I was a mute.

Not such a good thing for a vocalist to have to deal with.

Hailey, Aaron, Phil and Tino had only visited twice. they were only allowed to visit twice a week, just in case it triggered something in us. Luckily they were visiting again today.

"Austie?" A quiet voice called out.

I turned my head away from the window and locked eyes with Alan. He was leaning against the door frame with hands in his pockets, he looked almost carefree, but I knew better. From the outside he was fine, but at night he didn't sleep a wink, and when he did he kicked and screamed, lashing out at the nurses that tried to help him. He pulled at his shirt, which hung loosely around his shoulders.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, reaching his hand out.

I stood up in silence, smiling briefly as I walked to grab his hand.

We walked in silence through the hall towards the courtyard. I hardly knew how Alan still wanted to be with me, a silent freak. I never understood why though. Before all of this happened I was the complete opposite. It's almost funny how these things can change you so much.

Alan pushed open the doors and we walked towards the usual patch of grass we met everybody at. Hailey and Aaron were already there, setting out a blanket and food. Aaron tried to eat one of the sandwiches that were laid out, causing Hailey to slap his hand away, laughing joyfully. I smiled at how free they were. They hardly had anything holding them down. Hailey saw us approaching and her smile widened.

"Heyy! I bought lunch for everybody!" She called out as we came closer.

"Wow! Thank you! Where's Tino and Phil?" Alan asked.

"They shouldn't be too far away, they had to pack something, don't remember what though. Where's Jordan?" Aaron replied.

I looked behind me and saw the small figure shuffling towards us. Jordan demanded her hair to be cut to shoulder length as soon as we got back, and her fringe stuck up in the wind. Hailey stood up and slowly walked towards her. I saw Jordan stiffen until she realised who it was, and then linked arms with her younger sister. We all sat down and started to chat.

Alan and Aaron started talking about music and what we had missed with everybody else. Apparently Jesse left Sleeping with Sirens and heaps of new albums had been released and all sorts of other things. Hailey ran her hands through Jordan's hair, plaiting it.

"Gosh, it's sure grown out a lot since last time! How's everything going with you?" Hailey cooed.

"They're going okay, I guess... I can kinda handle being alone for a bit now so that's progress..." Jordan whispered.

"Don't worry, you'll be home soon and we'll all look after you."

"Hails, you're younger than me, you don't need to take care of me, I'm nearly twenty!"

"There there sweetie, no need to be a stroppy poppy, mumma bear's here to see you right." Hailey giggled.

Jordan laughed in response, it must of been something from when they were younger. Alan and Aaron were talking about my progress now and I just sat there. In silence.

"Hey guys! We made it!" Tino yelled, walking over to us with guitars in his hands.

Alan's face lit up and he stood up, reaching out to his custom, admiring it all over again.

"I never thought I'd see this one for a while!" He said, grinning.

"Well here ya go! I thought it would help make this whole deal a little easier." Phil piped in, kissing the side of Tino's head

They sat down and Hailey started passing out all of the food, if it weren't for the mental institution behind us, or the scars that we carried, you could almost convince yourself that everything was normal.


"So we got a call today." Aaron said quietly, looking over at Jordan and Hailey, who were lying in the sun, giggling over a magazine.

"About what?" Alan asked.

"The court case. They're going to do it in another three weeks. On the 17th."

"Why then? What if we're not better by then? We all know that Jordan can't even handle talking about it, let alone deal with being in the same room as her." Alan spat out.

"Yes, but they want to get it done sooner rather than later. I'm worried, they want Hailey to be a witness as well." Aaron mumbled.

"Why Hailey?" Tino asked.

"Rachel attacked her, remember?" Alan whispered so the girls didn't hear.

"Shit this is so messed up. Why did that chick even do it, she's fucked up!" Phil growled.

"We won't know until the 17th I guess..." Aaron said.

Everybody stared at the grass but me. I looked over at Jordan, the girl who had lost herself the same place I did. The only one who actually stood a chance at understanding what I was going through. I sighed and leant against Alan's shoulder, the still unfamiliar sun warming my skin.


Hey friends!

Here is another chapter! Oh no Austin's a mute now! :(

Everybody's getting better now! Or are they?! ooooohhhh...

Votes, comments, follows and feed back is always ever so wonderful!

What do you guys think is gonna go down in the court case? Leave a comment with what you think will happen and we'll see how it goes ;)

Love you all,

Tash xox

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