"I'll be at the bridge, sir," he stuttered out while trying to catch his breath.

As soon as I turned back the the child, she scrambled away towards the corner of the room. Small cries still escaped her trembling lips, and I began to step towards her. Every step closer I got to her, she cried out a little louder in fear.

Finally, I knelt down in front of her. "It's okay," I said through my mask, but the girl still tried to get as far away from me as possible. I reached out my hand, but she quickly swatted it away before curling back up. "No! Leave me alone!" She sobbed out as tears rolled down her cheeks. She must've assumed that I would do to her as I did to Hux when I reached out my hand.

The two of us made brief eye contact for a moment, and I saw the pure fear in the little girl's eyes. Finally, it occurred to me that for a child, seeing a man in a dark suit and mask after being interrogated by another man would be terrifying. With slow movements, I placed my hands on both sides of my black helmet and removed it, revealing my face to the girl.

She slowly glanced back at me, her sobs ceasing for a moment as she looked at me. "I'm just a person," I told her. "Just like you." I placed the helmet on the ground and slid it away from me. "No mask, just me."

She continued to cry, but not as loudly. "I'm Ben," I said as kindly as I could. Considering the fact that Hux's strategy of demanding only made the girl cry, I decided to take a different approach. "Can you tell me your name?" The child glanced up at me with tear streaked cheeks and shook her head. "Just your name. I just want to know your name."

Hesitantly, she whimpered out, "Kylie."

"I'm not going to hurt you," I told her. "Just talk to me."

A small silence lingered between the two of us until she finally spoke up again. "I want to go home." Her voice was a soft stutter as she croaked out those words.

"Where is home?" I asked, trying to get information out of her.

"Jakku," she replied. "With Rey."

Instantly, I thought of the girl Mitaka had mentioned who had accompanied the droid. "Who's Rey?" I asked curiously while trying to keep my patience.

"She takes care of me." Kylie wiped a tear from her cheek and sniffed. "Ever since my parents died on Jakku, she's been the only family I've had."

I nodded, planning out my next questions carefully. "Where is she headed? We could find her." In order to find the droid, I needed to make the child feel as safe as possible so she would tell me the information I needed when I asked.

"I don't know," she croaked out. "I was waiting for her to get back home when people in white suits and masks came in, destroyed everything, and took me." Her voice started to tremble again, for she must have been thinking about the moment the stormtroopers came barging into her home. "I just want to go home to Rey."

It was in that moment that the child's scared voice took a toll on me. When I sent my troops to Jakku, I had no intentions of them kidnapping a child, for all I wanted was the droid. Now, a little girl was curled up in front of me, terrified of what could happen next.

Slowly, I reached out my right hand towards her. She flinched at first, still nervous before glancing down at my outstretched arm. Kylie's lips parted slightly and she sniffled before extending a shaky hand. She was hesitant, but her hand eventually made contact with mine.

"Come on," I said kindly, helping her stand up.



Light in the Darkness «Reylo»Where stories live. Discover now