Chapter Twenty-Six: The Call For Loyalty

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Bobby looked around his office in the Justice Department. It all seemed so empty, so hollow. He didn't want any of it.

"Pretty nice, huh?"

Bobby turned around to see Jack and smiled, "Hey Jack."

"Hey, Bobby," Jack said as he hugged his brother, as they pulled away Jack looked at his brother.

"Is everything okay, Bobby? You don't seem quite yourself."

Bobby smiled, "I'm fine."

"Listen, I know things are bad with Ethel now but things will get better. In my darkest times with Jackie you were there to remind me that real love always prevails. That it will never fail you."

Bobby nodded, "Yeah, sure."

Jack sighed, "You know, Bobby, you're beginning to piss me off."

Bobby turned around, "What?"

"I'm your brother," said Jack, "There used to be a time when there was nothing you wouldn't tell me and now it's like we're not even friends."

"Alright Jack, do you really want to know why I'm so distant?"

"Yes!" said Jack, "All I want is for you to be honest with me."

"Alright then," said Bobby, "My marriage is falling apart because I've dedicated the past ten years of my life to you. To being not only your brother but the guy that bails you out of everything and it sucks."

Jack was taken aback.

"You know, after I finished the presidential campaign I just wanted to get away from it all. Maybe teach law, spend more time with the kids and Ethel. But you made me stay because you can't say no to Dad!"

"You can't pin this on me Bobby!" Jack had raised his voice now, angry, "You think I wanted this? No! I wanted the life you just described but when Joe died I stepped up. I did what I had to for the family. I thought that you of all people had the strongest sense of family loyalty. Maybe I was wrong."

"How dare you," said Bobby, "I've shown more loyalty to you than anyone! But you forget that I have my own family. My own wife, my own children that need my attention!"

Jack calmed down, "And I understand that, Bobby. What I don't understand is why you didn't just refuse the job."

Bobby sighed, "I don't know why. I think maybe I was so lost amidst the campaign and everything else that I didn't realize..."

Bobby trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

"I think I'm gonna go," said Jack, "See you later."

Bobby nodded, "Bye."

Jack left and closed the door, and Bobby slid down against the wall and put his chest to his knees. The office was dark now, and he was all alone.

But then the door opened, and in came Kathleen, letting light in with her.

"Hi Dad, can I come in?"

Bobby smiled, "Sure sweetie." He didn't get up, he felt comfortable with his kids. He never felt the need to hide anything from them.

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