Chapter 1-Matched

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It had been a year since your last relationship. It wasn't bad at first. You started to feel free. That feeling of freedom was great for a while until it started to be replaced by loneliness. You hate to admit it but it sucked being alone all the time.

Finally you caved and did what your friends recommended which was to download tinder, a dating app.

"I mean why not? Lots of people use this." You thought to yourself.

You ended up working on your profile for much longer than you probably should've of.

(Y/N) (Y/A)
Bio: I love (a bunch of your favorite things).

Not looking for hookups or anything serious yet but if it leads to that then it leads to that.

"Good enough." You thought to yourself.

You began to swipe through people, looking for someone to catch your eye.

"Ooh, they look cute...but they love (something you hate)."

*Swipes left*

This pattern continued on for a while until you decided to go to bed.

"One more wouldn't hurt right?" You asked yourself.

You swiped one last time and were shocked by the next profile.

Bill, 27
Bio: I'm an actor but don't tell anyone that ;)

You looked through his profile to see if it was actually him and yeah it had his pictures and everything but was it really him?

"It's probably a fake profile to catfish people. I mean there's no way Bill Skarsgård is on tinder..let alone this close to where I live." You said to yourself.

Even though you believed it to be fake you still swiped right anyways.

A notification appeared on your screen.

"It's a match! You and Bill have liked each other! Message or keep swiping?"

You got butterflies in your stomach as you chose the message option.

You: "Hey, is this a real profile lol?"

"Maybe I'll get lucky.." You whispered to yourself.

You placed your phone on the night stand and finally went to bed.

~~~Skip to morning~~~


You woke up to the sound of the alarm on your phone going off. Still half asleep, you reached for your phone to turn it off. Just as you were drifting off back to sleep, you remembered matching with "Bill" last night.

You grabbed your phone again almost instantly this time to see if he responded back.

Tinder: Bill has sent you a new message!

You nervously unlocked your phone and opened up the app.


12:35 AM | Hey, is this a real profile lol?


7:10 AM | That's for you to find out :)


7:32 AM | Ok then "Bill", tell me about yourself.

Tinder - Bill Skarsgård x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now