It was nearly eight o'clock when we got back to Winnipeg. Nolan was asleep so I shook him awake.

"We're back in Winni, love," I said and his blue eyes fluttered open. He groaned but reluctantly got up and trudged into the hotel. We hit traffic on the way home so it was worse than it would have been.

Nolan and I got up to our room and I received a text from Ryanne.

Ryanne: Hey lils, meet me at the game tomorrow. I wanna talk to you!

you got it ry:))

"Babe, go to sleep. You're exhausted and I don't want you to mess up your head. I'm gonna probably go see Ivan and Travis," I said and Nolan made his way over to the bed. He shook his head and opened his arms, his eyes closing.

I sighed and walked over to the bed. I kicked off my shoes and laid down next to him wrapping one of my legs around his waist. He pulled me into his chest, kissing my forehead softly.

The two of us fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. It was seven, we had to leave in an hour for our flight. I was cuddled into Nolan's chest as he was on his phone but our peace was soon disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Nolan, Lila, just making sure you guys are up. Meet in the lobby in half an hour," I heard Travis say from the other side of the door. I unraveled myself from Nolan and got up to get ready.

I slipped on my staff sweatshirt and put on a pair of leggings. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and packed up anything that I had taken out of my suitcase. Nolan was still laying down.

"Nol, let's go you fat ass," I said and he fake scoffed at me.

"Okay Lila I get you're jealous of my ass but that was uncalled for," Nolan said and got up, smacking his own butt.

I shook my head, holding back the laughter. "You are something else, Patrick."

We got to Philly around one pm leaving time for me to take another nap. If it isn't evident enough, I like sleeping.

I was about to go up to my room when I felt my phone buzz and it was a text from my partner, Cody.

Cody: Hex says you're off duty tonight. I have to train our new intern

new intern?

Cody: You weren't told? She's nineteen and is here for an internship (obviously) from England. She's sweet

oh brother.

Oh great! Another thing to put me on edge. As if Nolan not being very happy in Philly isn't horrible enough for me, now I have to deal with a new girl. My phone buzzed again and I groaned loudly.

Nol💛: come over

i just saw you thirty min ago and im going to see you in a few hours

Nol💛: please


Nol💛: please

no nolan

Nol💛: if you don't say yes that means you think nico is better than i am

nolan james patrick i will call your mother

Nol💛: im so scared

you should be. now im going to go out goodbye

Nol💛: babe

Nol💛: I hate you.

no you don't.

Nol💛: no i dont.

I grinned at my phone but stuffed it back in my pocket. I walked into the family room where Travis was, watching some of the tapes from games.

"I was going to sleep but I'm gonna head to the mall. I need to start Christmas shopping. Anything you need?" I asked and Travis looked away from the screen, pausing the video.

"Not that I know of. I'll text you though. Bye Lils, I love you, be safe."

I smiled, "I love you too Trav." I went upstairs to grab my wallet and put that in my pocket as well. I then went off to the mall.


I turned to see the blonde that I was supposed to see tonight. "Ryanne!" I exclaimed and hugged her.

"So how are things going with Nol? Good I assume?" She jumped straight in with the Nolan questions as we began to walk around the mall that was starting to be decorated with Christmas things.

"It's great, Ry.Everything he does makes my heart skip a beat. He glances at me and my stomach does flips." I confessed as we walked into Victoria's Secret. How appropriate.

Ryanne blurted out, "Lila, I think you're in love with him."

I whipped around quickly from the t-shirt I was looking at. "What?" I was clearly bewildered with her comment. "I'm not in love with him, it hasn't even been a month yet."

"It doesn't matter how long you guys have been dating. The heart wants what it wants, Lil. I think you are in love with him."

"Maybe I am."

author's note —

i've come to the conclusion i have a crush on nolan and it's bad


nico has a girlfriend i definitely did nOT know this

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

nico has a girlfriend i definitely did nOT know this. + nolan's comment

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