Never Seen, Never Heard, Never Noticed

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Like a shadow,
I flit from place to place
Always following close behind you.
Like the dust clouds when you run,
I am trampled by your presence.
Never seen,
Never heard,
Never noticed.

Who am I?

I am the shadow,
I am the cloud
And yet
Have you seen me brother?
Have you heard me sister?

Like the sun,
I brighten the day,
Until you stand and block the way.
Like the birds,
I sing your praise,
Yet you always choose to walk away.
Never seen,
Never heard,
Never noticed.

Who am I?

I am the sun,
I am the bird,
And yet,
Have you seen me brother?
Have you heard me sister?

I am the voice of truth
That rings in the ears of the forgotten,
The memory of dreams unrealized.
But, like the truth,
I have not been seen,
I have not been heard,
I have not been noticed.

So I ask,

Will you see me brother?
Will you hear me sister?

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