Codie - Chapter 1

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I was a dumpster baby of two weeks.  But luckily i was picked out by a police dog before anything chould happen.  After this i was taken to the adoption center and put into a foster home. 

My foster home was hell for the last fourteen years.  I lived in a family of five guys and a mother-like character who wanted nothing to do with me.  I had to fight for what i wanted.  If not i would have been molished by them. 

This family consited of a set of twins and a set of triplits. All older than me. They all new i was different, so they all tormented me. They would throw rocks at me and throw me into a thorn bushs. All that went on till i was thriteen. 

Then one day the two oldest took me into the kitchen and started the oven onto the highest tempeture it could go.  They grabed me and tryed to shove me into it.  But i fought back.  Somehow i got my right arm free and elbowed the first twin in the throat; which sent him to the gorund.  The second one tryed to hold me back, but i was too strong for him. When i fight, i lose it all. I go apeshit crazy. He had hold of my left arm so i ran up the wall and fliped onto his shoulders.  He still wouldn't let go.  So i bent back his arm and snaped it in half.  I fell off of him then ran.  Didn't know where i was running to, but ran. As fast and as far as i could; which ended me up in an old abandend house, blocks, and blocks away. 

I didn't know what just went down, but it all happened. 

In the old ugly house, everything was burned, shattered, and torn.  Looks like war happened.  So i sat to think to myslef.  To think what all went down. I am stronger than them. I am capable of murder.  As i sat there shocked and muted for a while, a dark tall shadow came out of nowhere.  I was forsure i was the only one in there.  This shadow walked up to me slowly so i shot up real quick trying to back away, i couldn't.  I was cornered in. 

I clenched my fists getting ready to punch some old pedofile in the face.  As the shadow arrived slowly i could make out that it was a man.  So i was sure i was going to get raped or something.  when he was atleast arm distance away, I threw the first punch.  Hit him right in the nose; making him fall flat on the ground on his back with a bloody nose.  Then as i finally gained all my sight in the darkness, i could see it wasnt a pedofile; it was a boy.  Just a teenage boy.

I walked up closer to him to see that he was in fetal position holding his nose. 

I fall to my knees "Wow.. Okay see mister, that is why you never sneek up on someone," I said calmly holding his head.

"But i didn't sneek up on you, you were looking right at me, Codie!" He said with watery eyes.

"Okay guy, i have no idea who you are. How do you know my name?!" I said frighted, droping his head getting up.

His head hit the ground with a huge thud. Now hes holding his head and nose, "Don't be frightened, Codie. I'm looking out for you. Sorta like your guardin angle," he said in pain.

"No. If you were my guardin angle, i would know," I said backing up to the door.

"Please don't run. I need to talk to you. You are a special person. You have an ability not many people have. I've seen what you are capable of, Codie, and it is amazing!" He said standing up.

Walking back out of the door i asked "Mister, what is ur name?"

"Areo," he replied "I'm on your side, Codie"

"On my side? I don't even know you! What the heck?!"

"But ,Codie you are so wrong. I do know you. I know you more than you know yourself," Areo said walking up to me.

"What the heck?! No! I don't know you, and you don't know me! Therefore you CANNOT KNOW ME!" I said walking into the dark night.

 "I don't want to stay here because i'm scared and i don't want to go back to the house i live in.  Where chould i go?  I could go to Zeke's house but he's dead," I say under my breath. I turn around to look at Areo, he smiles, as if he knows something. "Well i think i'll have to take the chances of going back the the house.  Where living hell is.."

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