Fighting isn't for girls.

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There's a loud thud as my limp body hits the cold, bloody ground. I'm confused, I don't know, I can't remember how I got here. All I know is that I'm laying on the floor of a basement underneath a bar. My eyes slowly open again and once my vision becomes clear and I look around I see more people than I did before. I see a hand reach my way and I follow the arm that it's attached to, only to find myself looking straight in the eyes of my girlfriend. 

*Before all this*

My name is Katya. I live together with my girlfriend, Trixie. She's pretty normal, but there's one thing she refuses to tell me. The first time we met she had a huge black eye - I still don't know how that happened to her - and she still sometimes comes home with these weird bruises, saying she had to 'deal with some stuff'. Whenever I ask about it she always makes something up without flinching once. Trixie's a good liar, she can lie about anything and keep the straightest face you've ever seen. "I'm going out tonight!" I suddenly hear from upstairs. I decide to walk to the room it came from. I find Trixie in the bathroom with a towel on her head and one around her body. "Going out? Can I go with you?" I ask her and she quickly turns around. "No. This is a work thing, we're just going to grab a few drinks to celebrate the big raise we all got." She answers. Right, 'work'. I know she doesn't have work, I asked her where she worked one time and when she finally gave me an answer, I checked. "Oh, okay. How late is it going to be?" I carefully ask, she doesn't like that question. "Does it matter? You can go to sleep if you want to, it's definitely going to be past 12." She says, smiling. I frown slightly, enough for her to not notice. "And where are you going?" I ask her, leaning against the doorframe. "Anthony's. What's up? Why the questioning?" She suddenly asks me and I almost trip. "Nothing! Just wanted to know where you were going, you're always so secretive." I say. "Secretive? Oh baby, no. I love you, but there are just some things I can't tell you." She simply says, dropping the towel around her body to the floor and stepping into our bedroom.

I look at her body. No, I observe it. I notice every fold, every lost birthmark, every stretch mark and every bruise. There are a lot and I didn't cause them. I walk after her and wrap my arms around her from behind. "Ow! Careful please." She says as she looks through clothes. "How'd you get this one? That wasn't here before." I say and softly poke a small blue/yellow-ish bruise on her belly, making her flinch. "I told you, there are some things I can't talk about." She says and pulls my hands off of her so she can put on clothes. I mutter something under my breath before deciding to go downstairs. I sit down on the couch and watch TV. It takes her a long time before she finally comes downstairs but she looks amazing. I wonder if at the end of the night she'll have another bruise. I stand up and walk towards her. She spins for me and I look at her from every angle. "Gorgeous." I softly say. "I really can't come with you? We never go out together." I say and cross my arms. "Don't be a baby. I give you more than enough attention when I'm here." She says and frowns slightly, making the wrinkles on her forehead appear. "Fine. Just, be careful? You're much prettier without all those bruises." I say to her and she starts laughing. "Okay babe." She says once she's done and gives me a kiss. I want to pull away but she pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. As she finally pulls away she sucks on my lower lip, letting it go with a pop. "Now you have one too!" She says with a big smile. I glide my tongue over my bottom lip and flinch once it hits the bit Trixie sucked on. "I'll see you, maybe tonight maybe tomorrow." She gives me one last kiss before she proudly walks towards the door, shutting it behind her with a loud bang. A bang that pierces my ears and continues to bang in my head for a good minute. Trixie and I are very different. She likes being loud and loud sounds and I like silence. You could say she's an extreme extrovert.

The evening goes by slow, slower every hour. Even though I'm very different from Trixie there's still an emtpy part in me whenever she leaves. I entertain myself by watching old movies, some episodes of serie and listening to music. I've went outside for a cigarette six times already. I've counted how many times and how long I've spent outside. I stayed outside for ten minutes. Ten times six is sixty, which means I've already spent a whole hour outside. I sigh as I let myself slide down onto the couch. I take a glance at the clock, it's 11:35. Even if I'd go to bed now, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Trixie has an enourmous impact on my life, I can barely be alone without her. She said it would most definitely be past twelve. What could she possibly be doing at that time? I know she isn't just grabbing a drink with colleagues, because she doesn't work at the place she said she works. I know she tells me not to worry, but how can I not? She often comes home with bruises, covered from top to bottom, how can you possibly with the right mindset not worry about that? I find myself angry at Trixie quite a lot, without a reason really. I stand up from the couch and wander around the house before deciding to make a cup of coffee for myself, if I stay awake for her I better have energy. I watch the coffee brew in the machine as I lean against the kitchen table. Everything goes slower at this time, everyting feels calm. Your heartbeat is calm, the ticking noises from the clock are calm, even the simmering sound from the coffee machine, calm. Everything is calm except for myself, my thoughts keeps switching and I notice I haven't sit still for longer than 5 minutes tonight. As the switch on the machine turns to off with a loud snapping sound I shoot awake again. I push myself away from the table and grab a mug, pouring the coffee into it. I just realise how silent it is in the house, as I look around everything looks peaceful and for the first time tonight, I crack a smile. 

Fighting isn't for girls [Trixya] Where stories live. Discover now