Chapter 2: Nightmares

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"... you alright?" Someone said.

July slowly opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling. She looked around and saw a hazy figure next to her.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"School's clinic. You passed out in the boy's comfort room."

"Huh?" She asked. Her vision started to clear. She shot right up when she saw who was sitting next to her.

It was Curt.

"Whoa. Relax! I didn't mean to startle you." He said laughing. So that's why the voice seems so familiar, July thought. Curt stood up and went to talk to the school nurse.

"Wait. Did he just say boy's comfort room?" She mumbled. She suddenly felt like she wanted to hide inside a hole. So that's why julai was grinning! She thought.

"Here." Curt handed her a glass of water.

"Thanks." She said after drinking it.

"Anytime." He smiled.

Suddenly, rain started to pour outside. Thousands of raindrops pounded on the roofs. It seems that the weather really turned sour. July looked outside the window, she loved the rain because it calms her up.

" the rain, don't you?" Curt said while glancing at the window. July nodded shyly. Isn't he gonna ask why I was at the boy's comfort room? She thought.

Instead, he stood up and carried both of their bags. "Let's go home?" He said.

"Huh? What about class?" July said.

"Classes already ended. It's already 5:10 pm, July." He smiled.

"I slept that long?" She said rubbing her eyes.

They left the school while sharing Curt's umbrella. July forgot to bring her umbrella because it seemed sunny when she left home. Curt insisted that he should escort her to her house especially because of the criminal wandering the area. He is unexpectedly kind considering how popular he is, July thought.

They walked past the empty children's park near her house. She scanned the area to see if his house is near.

"I live on the opposite block, if you're wondering." He said smiling at her. His chocolate brown eyes warm against the rain.

"H-huh?" She said glancing away from him. She wondered if her face is really that easy to read just like Julai said.

"Do you live with your family?" She asked, then realized how stupid that sounded. Of course he lives with his family! He doesn't look like the type to have family issues.

Curt smile disappeared for moment. Then he said, "I live by myself."

"Isn't that neat?" He said smiling again.

"Where are your parents?" She asked.

"Oh, they're divorced." He said it like it was nothing.

"Sorry." July said realizing she's not the only one who had it bad. Curt said that it was okay and that he prefers it that way instead of watching them fight every day. They both support him financially but they barely visit him. He said that they're both busy with their career and can only visit him once a month. He lives alone in the apartment they bought for him, because of this he learned to cook for himself, do his laundry and clean the house.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 08, 2014 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Myriad dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें