"Alright, but at dawn I'll leave."

"That's fine."

You swiped half of your gold over to her before curling up on a pile of your own. Nami sat going through your treasures. Finding a bunch of gold like possessions. But not one beri was in your pile. She looked up to you cocking a brow.

"Why don't you have any beri's?" She asked.

"Because, beri's don't hold a lot of meaning. Something like a ring, or a necklace holds a lot more. Beri's are exchanged everyday, but the most valuable things are the ones someone wears. Like that bracelet you wear."

She clutched onto it, "You can't have it."

"As much as I want it, I already made a deal with you. Dragons keep our deals."

She hummed getting up and touching your scales, you opened your wing as she went under it.

"Wow, your scales are like gems. They are very pretty."

"Thank you."

She stepped up to you and curled up on your leg.

"I never got your name dragon."

"(Y/N)." You said.

"I'm Nami, navigator of the strawhats."

"Ah, a valuable under Luffy's crew. I've known each member who owned that hat he wears."

"Really? How interesting."

"The gold I'll never get my paws on."

You lay your head down before yawning.

She leaned against your neck, "I'll find you a strawhat and bring it back to you."


"I promise."

"Then in exchange for the hat, I'll give you something valuable to me."

She turned to you, "And what's that?"

"A kiss."

She smiled, "I'll have to put a 10% interest on that."

You chuckled, "Whatever it will take to please you."

She hummed stretching her arms above her head. Then behind her neck. She soon fell asleep. With you not too long behind her.

The following morning you sat brushing through her hair before pulling it up and putting the pin into her hair.

"Don't forget about me." You hushed.

You heard a faint cry coming closer and closer. You gently set her onto the gold before climbing up into the cave. Hanging up on one of the ledges. A blonde haired man came running in.


She grumbled stretching as the blonde did some weird dance. She glanced around looking for you.

"(Y/N)?!" She called.

The blonde stopped looking around the cave. But her eyes didn't seem to find you. You smiled softly pulling out a scale from your pocket. You kissed it softly before flicking it down. It skid across the floor and hit the blondes shoe. He perked up to that and knelt down picking it up.

"Oi. Nami-swan. What exactly is, (Y/N)?"

Nami snapped the scale from his grip, "She's a dragon. A really really nice dragon."

She frowned to the scale, before glancing around once more.

"Come on Nami-san. We have to go. Maybe you'll see her again soon."

Nami looked to her share of gold before picking up her small bag.

"(Y/N)! I'm taking this much. I will be back for the rest!"

You smiled as Nami and the blonde walked off.

"Oh, Nami, I like your pin." Robin said.

"My what?"

"The pin, in your hair."

He patted her head and furrowed, she pulled it out as her hair was let down. She smiled to it and held it close.

"Oh hey! That was the pin Shanks gave to some lady. Yeah I gave her some ring for some meat."

"A lady?"

Nami bolted to the back of the ship, you stood on a cliff with your cloak swaying in the wind. You smiled softly as your wings spread out and you flew off.

"What a woman."

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