She gritted her teeth and fell back onto the bed. She tossed a pillow at the door out of anger, "This is not going to be a good two weeks."


Remi was up at the first light. She slid her robe around her and grabbed her laptop. The best thing for her would be the cool, morning air. She quietly made her way through the dimly-lit living room. Ender was sleeping soundly on the couch and she stopped to stare at him for a moment. It had been a very long time since a man had been in the same house as her, more less slept there.

He looked sweet enough. One of his arms was behind his head and his hair was a mess. She chewed on her bottom lip and actually thought about how cozy he looked. He stirred a little which caused her to jump. She shook off her thoughts and hurried out of the room and out to the large porch that overlooked the a lake and the nearby mountain range. She set her laptop down and stood against the wooden railing. The wind blew through her hair and she let out a long sigh, "What were you thinking?" Remi mumbled, "That's right. You weren't-"

After a moment of taking in the sights, she went back to the table and opened her laptop. Maybe the brief thoughts would help her writing, "Stop it."

"Okay," Ender sat a mug of coffee beside her laptop, "I'll stop being so nice."

He stunned her and she gasped softly, " You.. nice?" She fought for words, "Uh, not the words I'd use to describe you."

"Oh really?" He smirked a little and sat down across from her. Ender's eyes remained on her as he questioned her without a care, "What words would you use, Miss Lucus?"

"I uh-- umm," She thought back to how he'd looked just a few minutes before. He was much more attractive asleep and not talking, "Um, wait, how did you know my last name?"

He smiled and slid the book over to her, "You left this in the kitchen. You didn't tell me you were an author."

"You didn't ask," She blushed a little as her gaze turned away, "That's kind of why I'm here if you must know," Remi stared down at the book she now held. It seemed like a lifetime ago when she'd written it, and the words had flowed so easily. That was because she knew the outcome, and knew it wouldn't be one she couldn't understand, "I have to write a sequel."

"I was going to read it," He took a small drink of his coffee, "But I felt like I was kind of violating your privacy in some way."

"You? YOU felt like you were violating me?" She mused, "Of all the things I expected you to say--"

"Well, I know how to be a gentleman," He leaned up with a grin, "So, can I... read it?"

"Ender, it's a novel for teenage girls. I doubt you want to read that-" She traced the book with her finger, honestly not wanting him to read it, but it was out there for anyone and everyone to see, "I mean, I won't stop you."

He watched as she laid the book back on the table. He slid it into his grasp and nodded to her, "Gracias, Remi."

"De nada," Remi smiled and met his gaze. She wasn't sure why she felt a level of comfort, but this little conversation didn't cause her to let her guard down, "I have to warn you though, it doesn't end like it's supposed to. Hence, why I need a sequel."

Wait Another Day (Ender Inciarte)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz