Chapter 1: The Project

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     Clink, clink, clink.  The sound would drive almost anyone mad, but not Walter.  Walter was a simple man; he loves the rain of the Ran Planet, he loves his family, he loves the Queen, Kammey, and he, especially, loves his work.  They always told you to do something you love and Walter was happy with what he did, he was a metal worker for the company, Miner's Heaven.  It was the year 250 A.S., a year that would never be forgotten, and Walter had just got to work.

     "Waler, can I see you in my office?" said his boss, Antonio.  Antonio was a 'round' man and was known in the business world as a nobody; his hair was greasy black and his blue jacket would not compliment his baby face, Walter always found Antonio to be a nice guy, but certainly not good looking.

     "Yes boss," said Walter who stopped in his tracks on his way to check in.  Walter walked into Antonio's office as Antonio sat down and motioned Walter to close the door behind him.

     "Sit, sit," he repeated kindly.  He opened a drawer and pulled out two wine glasses and opened another drawer with bottles of the finest whiskey.

     "Is this a special occasion?" Walter asked watching Antonio gingerly give him his glass.

     "It's a very special occasion and I felt like celebrating with my best friend," raising his glass. "Cheers."   Antonio and Walter had been friends since the beginning of the company and Walter was supposed to Vice President of the company.  But he turned that offer down so he could continue workin in the field.  Luckily Walter had talked Antonio into paying him as if he was the Vice President so he could continue to provide for his family.

     Clanking glasses, they both took their gulps of whiskey and when finished they gave a relieving sigh.

     "So what is the special occasion?" asked Walter eagerly.

     "It's only the biggest contract the world has ever seen, and sined by the majesty herself, Queen Kammey." said Antonio, leaning back in his swivel chair and grinning.

     "No shit?!"

     "No shit."

     "What's the project?!"

     "The project is to just a very, very,very big ship called the BAMF; it will be made entirely out of metal, have an on-board navigation system, have an AI, have an...ugh...somethin', just know this thing is huge - both project-wise and in length."

     "Wow!  That's great!  When do we start?!"

     "Not soon enough my friend, the Queen is having her smartest friends make all the calculations; we are only in the designing phase.  But when we get our hands that piece of work, me and you can retire early and live out the rest of our lives exploring each planet."  Antonio dazed off until he perked up and became serious.  "But not a word to anyone you hear me; this ship being built is no ordinary ship, it's designed to go to war and if word get's to another planet about this ship we're looking at a death sentence, or worse, a desertion on the island of Claustro."

     "I'll keep my mouth shut, you have my word sir."

     "Good, now get outta here."

     "You have a great day too sir."

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