"It is though" Bella said with a concerned voice

"It'll pass so it's fine" I reassured her

"Do you miss it?" Bella asked curiously

"Miss what Bells?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she meant

"Having human blood" Bella mumbled as if she felt cautious about my answer "Do you miss the way it makes you feel?"

"Nope" I said happily. I looked up to Bella with a smile which she quickly returned "Yes it makes me feel amazingly strong and powerful but harming humans just for that isn't really worth it. It was just weird having your blood. I've imagined what it would taste like for so long but I never intended on having it. When I did it just felt really weird and really wrong. I wasn't supposed to be drinking your blood"

"I know but you did save my life" Bella said

"And don't you forget it" I winked playfully

"Only you would respond like that after we begin a completely serious conversation" Bella rolled her eyes jokingly "You're something else Alice Cullen"

"I believe that Isabella Swan" I grinned happily before my mood sobered slightly "And you're sure you're not mad at me for not letting the change happen?"

"We agreed on a time and seeing Charlie again just made me realize that I made the right decision about waiting until graduation" Bella replied seriously

"Good" I exhaled a short, unnecessary breath "I was worried"

"You didn't need to be. I just can't wait to get out of here and go home" Bella said eagerly "I bet you can't wait to get out of here as well"

"I don't mind" I shrugged "I said I would stay here until you left and I have so I don't mind plus it's not like I've got anything else to do"

"Well regardless, I would much rather just spend my time with you in my room" Bella said innocently

I giggled to myself quietly and Bella wrapped her arm around my waist as I sat next to her

"Hey can I ask you something?" I mumbled quietly

"You know you can" Bella nodded "What's up?"

"Well I...promise you won't get angry or anything if I ask this okay?" I asked "Though I can't promise that I'm not going to be furious about the answer"

"Babe what is it?" Bella asked

"What exactly happened with Jacob?" I asked before I paused "I mean I know that he came to apologize or something but what happened?"

"Why would I get angry that you're asking this?" Bella asked

"I don't know" I shrugged

"I left you and Jazz took me home" Bella said furrowing her eyebrows before she continued "She started to help me pack when Jazz said that she could smell Jacob. I told her that I really didn't care at that moment so we kept packing until he started yelling out for me. We ignored it for a few moments until Jazz asked me if I wanted to see him and I told her no. She went down to see him and the next thing I knew someone grabbed and pulled me out of the house. I don't really remember the time between being taken and seeing you again. I passed out on the way, he was going too fast"

"I'm sorry Bells" I said miserably

"It's not your fault Alice. Why did you want to know what happened with Jacob anyway?" Bella asked

"I just wanted to know what exactly I have to kill him for" I replied

"Al" Bella bluntly stated "No"

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