Kali was finally able to sit up straight after being pounced on. "Nobby, I've missed you" She told the young rooster. "Me too!" Nobby smiled at his human friend. 

"Hi Kali!" Ricky and Etta piled on the human girl. 

"Hey kids, my you've grown" Kali petted the chicks, noticing how they were just starting to grow out of their yellow feathers. 

"Yeah, we're almost as big as uncle Nobby" Ricky told Kali. 

"And one day we're gonna be bigger than that tree" Etta added, pointing out to the tree on top of the hill. 

"Well I bet your parents are proud" Kali said to the chicks before she turned to Rocky and Ginger. 

"We sure are" Ginger smiled as she leaned against Rocky and he placed his wing around her shoulder while they looked fondly to each other. 

"So, what brings you here?" Mac asked the human kids. 

"We have news" Ann started, which made the crowd of chickens gather in interest.

"Okay, remember how I told you guys about my old friends Wallace and Gromit" Kali asked the chickens. 

"Only about a gazillion times in your stories" Ricky replied. "Yeah, all the time" Etta added.

"Well, the twins and I just happen to be stopping by their place for the week. I told Wallace and Gromit all about you guys and they'd really like to meet you" Kali announced. This caused the flock of chickens, mainly Ginger, to gasp in surprise. 

"What'd ya say, you guys wanna come?" Brock asked the chickens.  

"Absolutely!" Ginger beamed. "Well i'm up for it" Rocky added. 

"Me too" said Babs. "So am I" added Mac.

"Okay" said Bunty. "Certainly" Fowler replied. 

"Alright then, let's go!" Kali smiled while she instructed the flock. 

"Wahoo! We're going to meet Wallace and Gromit!" Nobby cheered. 

"Wait, where do Wallace and Gromit live?" The chicks asked their uncle. "I have no idea" Nobby replied, feeling clueless.

Later, after Ginger settled things with Nick, Fetcher, and the rest of the flock who were staying behind, they were ready to go. The chickens that were going with Kali and the twins included Ginger, Rocky, Babs, Mac, Bunty, Fowler, Nobby, Ricky, and Etta. The group walked a few miles on foot to the nearest road, when Kali and the gang hitched a ride in the back of a pickup truck. While they road down into town, the chicks wouldn't stop begging Kali to tell them her stories over and over again about her adventures with Wallace and Gromit.

"Wow, did Wallace really turn into a giant blood-trusty rabbit monster?" The chicks asked Kali. 

"Yep, Gromit and I were pretty petrified" Kali recalled. 

"Man, I wish I could've been there" said Brock. 

"Trust me, you wouldn't" Kali told her brother, remembering her near death experience during that adventure. "That was one wild ride" she sighed in memory.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for us to be visiting them now?" Ginger asked Kali, seeming a little nervous about meeting Wallace and Gromit for the first time. 

"Of course, they're like family to me, as of how I am to you guys" Kali told the chickens while placing her arm around Ginger's shoulder. 

"They won't mind having you staying with us" Ann reassured the chickens. 

"Yeah, in fact they're gonna love you guys" Brock added. 

"So, Wallace, is he nice?" Mac asked Kali, since the only humans she's know besides Kali were the abusive Tweedys.

"Yeah, Wallace is the nicest person I know. He's like an uncle to me" Kali replied. 

"Wait a minute, isn't Wallace like... really old... like eight?" Rocky asked. The human kids looked at Rocky confused on his statement. "Sorry, I forgot you humans don't count years like we do" Rocky said. 

"He's around his mid 50's actually. But just because he's old doesn't mean he can't be protective around me as an uncle always would" Kali explained. 

"Just like how I am to you guys" Nobby rollicked around his niece and nephew which made them giggle. 

"Now remember, I want you two to be on your best behavior" Ginger reminded her chicks. Ginger was such a devoted mother, always teaching her chicks to be honest and polite to others. Before she contemptibly looked over at Rocky and Nobby who always caused trouble, especially when the chicks were involved with it. 

"What?" Rocky and Nobby both said, acting like they didn't know what Ginger wanted from them. Kali and the twins giggled to that.

"So, does this Wallace character have any girlfriends?" Bunty asked. 

"Well, not anymore" Kali replied before adding "He refers to them as the ones that got away". 

"Well that's said" Bunty commented. 

"Does Gromit have a girlfriend?" Babs asked Kali curiously. 

"No" Kali replied with a small sigh. "Aw, poor Gromit" The chicks said. 

"I'm sure his time will come soon" Kali told them, until she looked to see they were driving through a small neighborhood and saw a familiar house up ahead.

"Well this is our stop" Kali told the gang, scooting out to the edge of the truck. 

"Jump!" Kali shouted. Everyone jumped off the pickup truck, landing safely in front of a familiar looking driveway.

"Whoa!" the chickens looked up to see a giant windmill built into the front of Wallace and Gromit's house. "I know right" Kali smirked to her chickens. 

"It's like a homemade bread emporium" Ann commented on the changes she noticed to the house. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they're bakers now" Kali told the gang. 

"Lets see, they've been window washers, pest controllers, now bakers. What's next?" Brock thought on the various jobs Wallace and Gromit had.

The gang followed Kali as they entered through the backdoor to the house. Brock picked up the morning newspaper that was recently left in the driveway before he quickly followed after the others inside.

Ginger and Rocky meet Wallace and Gromitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें