"For Eugene its gonna be a challenge of 2 songs so this will be the song and dance" Said Ella

"And" Ella said playing the song

"This is for Ned and Ariel, its simple but you know" Jonathan said playing the vid

"Yah, definitely our dance before" I said laughing.

"This is the group one" said Ella tapping the space button.

I'll put a song in, just imagine a dance I couldn't find one so.

"Lets practice!" I said jumping.

"The floor is Eugene!" Ella suddenly shouted and I jumped to a chair and shouted "I won!"

"The floor is your K-pop person!" I shouted(not a K-pop fan, so, sorry)(my cousin which is Ella is a crazy fan of them though)

Ella just fell down back first and said. "Jun woo sung(IDK how to spell, and I'm lazy to search) take me away!" Ella shouted

"Ok lets practice" I said while walking to the music box and played the songs.

I was the one teaching them for the singles so I danced their singles. And memorized them.

"Hina, your a good dancer, why wont you be a partner of Eugene?" Shouted Ella

"No!" I scolded her

"I mean, you guys are cute together" Jonathan supported.

"Still no!" I shouted and suddenly

"The floor is Eugene!" Jonathan shouted and I spread my arms and fell backwards hitting the cushioned floor. "Ow" I said standing up to see Ella Giggling

"What?" I asked

"Someones gotta crush!" Ella shouted causing me to get angry and chase her. While I was chasing Ella, I got tired so I sat down and changed my clothes to a white crop top and a Mint high waist short.

"Someones gotta crush!" Jonathan teased in front of me and attempted to run, but before he could, I jump on his back causing him to fall down. I tickled him and we all laughed by his laugh.

"What did you say?"I asked still tickling him.

"Someone's gotta crush!" Jonathan shouted. I kept on tickling him.

"What did you say!?" I shouted while giggling.

"I said, I love my sister!" Jonathan said trying to shoo my hands away.

A story to remember (Eugene Lee Yang)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя