"Breath, babe." He says and chuckles. I smile at him and I begin to blush. A couple of songs later we arrive there. We all jump out. I entwine Marilyn's fingers with mine. He kisses my cheek and we start walking to the entrance.

"Disneyland! Disneyland!" Twiggy chants and swings his lunchbox. We stop walking once we get in line. The squeals of children, and crying, fill my ears. Twiggy opens his lunchbox and takes out a camcorder. He presses record and starts to record everything.

"Why are you recording?" Marilyn asks. Twiggy giggles and brings the camera closer and closer to his face. "Twiggs!" he yells out while laughing.

"For the fans, also memories." He says and shrugs. "So, this is Ash," he says to the camera and points the camera to each one of us. We finally buy our tickets. We all run inside. Colorful balloons are tied to each pole and characters from Disney movies pose with children to take a photo. I squeeze Marilyn's hand. "Lets go to the teacups!" Twiggy yells out and points to the ride. The line is very short so we agree. Marilyn and I share a teacup, Ash and Zim get one, and Twiggy and Ginger have another (poor Ginger). Marilyn and I begin to spin the wheel in the middle to make the cup spin around faster and faster. My head starts to get light and my stomach churns. I don't care about it and keep laughing. I've never had this much fun since I was a kid.

"Fuck, I'm getting dizzy!" Marilyn says in between his laughs.

"Me too." I say but we keep spinning the wheel. The horn goes off for us to stop. We let go of the wheel and the cup slows down. It eventually stops and we get off. We stumble from being dizzy. Twiggy falls down and giggles.

"Fucking dammit!" Ginger says and falls on top of Twiggy. "Twiggy kept spinning it faster and faster."

"Shut up!" he says and laughs. Zim and Ash come out stumbling a little bit but they regain balance.

"Where to next?" I ask.

"How about to the princess castle?" Marilyn says. We all agree and we walk over there.

"We are now going to the castle." Twiggy says to the camcorder. Little girls give us a scared look as we walk into the castle part of it. Some point and hide behind their mothers. Marilyn runs up to Cinderella and taps on her shoulder. She jumps when she sees us.

"Y-yes?" she asks in a timid voice.

"Act like a fucking princess!" Twiggy shouts.

"Um." She smoothes out her dress.

"Can we get a picture?" Ginger asks. She nods slowly. We all cram in and we ask a random person to take the picture. Marilyn and Twiggy kiss her cheeks. I put my hand on Marilyn's crotch, Ash and Zim lick each others face and Ginger sticks up the middle finger.

"Thanks random person." Twiggy says as the person hands him the camera back. We skip like little children to another ride. "Lets go on that!" He says and points to a roller coaster (A/N: is there even a roller coaster at Disneyland lol).

"That looks awesome!" Zim says. We get in the short line. It moves quickly. Ginger didnt want to sit with Twiggy in the same two seat cart. Instead Ginger sits with a girl who he finds attractive and Twiggy sits with a little boy.

"Do you like Star Wars?" Twiggy asks the small boy. Marilyn and I turn around and look at them.

"Quit bothering that boy." I say and laugh.

"Yeah, I do." The boy whispers.

"Really?!" Twiggy exclaims. The roller coaster then shoots out really fast. I grip Marilyn's arm. It goes up a giant hill (and may I say very fast I thought it was suppose to slow down!) and rushes down the steep rails. I scream and grip his arm tighter.

"Star Wars!" Twiggy yells out and puts his arms in the air. It jerks us around the different turns. I start to laugh and scream at the same time. It starts to slow down and it comes back around to the entrance to get off. The bars that go over us for safety comes off. We stumble off, once again falling, and walk to a bench. "I got that all on tape!" Twiggy says.

"And you didn't drop it?" I ask in shock.

"Nope!" he says proudly. "I'm hungry!" We roll our eyes.

"Pizza, anyone?" Ash says. My stomach begins to grumble, yeah, I guess I'm hungry too.

"Yeah!" I say. We walk to the food area and order a large pizza. Twiggy devours half of it leaving us to get one slice for each of us.

"Did you really need that much pizza?" Ginger says. Twiggy nods. He takes out his lunchbox and opens it. He takes out candy and stuffs it in his mouth. We sit there and talk for a while letting our food digest.

"Isn't there some kind of water ride?" Zim asks.

"Yeah, that log ride, right?" Marilyn says.

"Wait, the one that has hills and shit?" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah, I think so." Ginger says.

"I fucking love that ride!" I squeal. We throw away our trash and walk to the ride. Luckily there is no line so we all pile in the log ride. There is three rows per each log car thing, it goes on a 'river' and runs along up and down steep hills. Water splashes you along the way. Marilyn and I sit in the front row. "Fuck, there's water on the bench." I feel the water seep through my clothes. It's very cold.

"I know right." Marilyn says. The ride begins and I jump up and down. It goes up slowly to the first hill. It stops on the top. I look down at all the people. Some are pointing at us in amazement and some are just having fun. The wind blows slightly and I take a deep breath. Once I am relaxed it jerks us down. I squeal and Marilyn laughs. I put my arms up and yell as the ride zips down the giant hills. Water soaks our clothes by all the splashing. It comes to a stop and I sigh in disappointment. We get out and water drips from our clothes.

"I didn't know I was going to get this fucking wet!" Ginger complains. We all laugh at his comment because it sounds wrong.

"Dude, you have no idea how sexual that sounded." Twiggy says. Twiggy takes out the camcorder from his lunchbox and continues to tape the trip. We walk over to the gift shop and buy towels. We dry ourselves and Twiggy buys a little girls princess dress. He puts it on and it starts to tear. "Fits perfectly." He says and poses. He pays for that and a pink wand.

"Alright, children, ready to go home?" Ginger asks. We all say yes and walk back to the car. Marilyn starts the car and I sit next to him in the front seat. My eyes begin to close and I fall asleep.

I feel someone lift me up. I open my eyes slightly and I see Marilyn.

"Go back to sleep, babe." He says. He puts me down on our bed and tucks the covers on me.

"Lay with me." I mutter. He slips himself in the covers with me and puts his arms around my waist. He plants a kiss on my forehead and I fall back asleep.

Lalala lala sorry I was going to update yesterday but I accidentally deleted it but here it is -Twiggy Way

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