(Chapter 1) Meeting Haught

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"Yo Waves. I want you to meet my friend tonight. She's a cop. She use to work in the big city but she wanted a change of pace" Wynonna announced to Waverly.

"YOU? A friend with a COP? That's hysterical." Waverly laughed. Wynonna was a bit infamous for getting in trouble with the law....... A LOT.

"Ha ha" Wynonna said with sarcasm. 

"Besides I can't tonight. Champ and I are going to a party tonight" Waverly said. 

"I really don't like that guy Waves. You really should break up with him. He's bad news" Wynonna said.

"You don't like anyone Wynonna. And no, we've been together since the 10th grade" Waverly said.

"True but I reaaalllyyy don't like him. And do you even love him?" Wynonna asked.

"I don't hate him" Waverly responded.

"But do you love him?"Wynonna pressed.

"He's a nice guy" Waverly said.

"Or is it he's the only eligible guy?" Wynonna asked. Seeing the sad look on Waverly face Wynonna decided to add. "There are plenty of guys out there who would love to have even the slightest chance with you Waves. You don't have to settle for him"

"I'm not settling" Waverly said defensively.

"Sure you aren't. Anyways you me and Nicole later tonight around 7 at Shorty's" Wynonna said.

"I told you I have a party to go to with Champ" Waverly insisted.

"Not anymore, be there or else" Wynonna said grabbing peacemaker from the counter they were sitting at and walking out of the kitchen.

Waverly sighed taking another sip of tea before getting up and going to her room.

*Later That Day*

"I know I'm sorry, but Wynonna is giving me no choice"  Waverly tried to explain to her current boyfriend Champ.

"But you can't just cancel on me  like that" Champ said.

"There will be another party Champ. Just go alone this once. You know I don't like those things anyways so I don't know why you insist on dragging me to them anyway" Waverly said a little agitated.

"Whatever" Champ said before storming off.

Sighing heavily Waverly turned to walk out of the coffee shop she told Champ to meet her at bumping into someone and knocking them down.

"Oh my gosh i'm so sorr-" Waverly halted her words as she looked at easily the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. 

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" The unknown woman said looking up.

There was nothing but silence as the two stared into each others eyes. 

"I'm sorry" Waverly said snapping out of it and lending her hand to the unknown woman of the ground.

"No it's fine. I uhh, I gotta go" The random lady said before walking completely in to the shop. Waverly continued her way out the shop and home to get ready for her meet at Shorty's with her sister and her sisters friend.

*Later That Night At Shorty's*

"So what time does your friend plan on joining us?" Waverly asked.

"Chill out Waves it's not even 7 o'clock yet" Wynonna said.

"Yeah, well I have a whole tub of ice cream waiting on me at home and an oh so patient movie in the DVD player" Waverly said with a smile on her face.

"How are we related?" Wynonna said giving Waverly an odd look causing her to smile.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Wynonna said excitedly when she sees her friend walk into the room.

"Hey Nonna" A readhead says to Wynonna.

"This is my sister, Waverly. Waverly this is my friend Nicole" Wynonna said. Waverly look up and to her surprise it was the lady from the coffee shop. But she wasn't the only one in shock.

"Coffee shop girl. I never got your name. Or insurance. I believe that was a hit and run, I could take you in for that" Nicole joked with a smile that showed the cutest dimples Waverly had ever seen in her whole 21 years of life.

"I uh... It's erm Earp. I ...we ..my" Waverly couldn't form proper words. She couldn't believe how unbelievably silly she must have sounded.

"It's fine. I'm just joking around" Nicole said taking a seat. Waverly just smiled uncontrollably.

"So are you keeping yourself out of trouble?" Nicole asked Wynonna.

"What do you think I am, some kind of a criminal? of course I've been staying out of trouble" Wynonna lied.

"Which is why I just read of a speeding ticket on you from a few days ago" Nicole laughed.

"That was an emergency" Wynonna defended.

"Nachos are an emergency?" Waverly intervened.

"Damn right" Wynonna responded causing the small group to laugh.

"So tell me about yourself?" Nicole said.

"What is this a date?" Wynonna asked Nicole slightly giggling.

"If it was you wouldn't be here" Nicole joked.

"My little sister is off limits" Wynonna said only half joking.

"Fair enough" Nicole said putting her hand up in submission.

"So what do you guys want to get into tonight?" Nicole asked.

"Bed" Waverly said without thinking. Noticing that didn't come out the way she intended she tried to rectify her statement.

'I ...mean.. I.... movie, ice cream..me bed..g-" Waverly stammered until Nicole cut her off. It seemed the dirty blonde couldn't speak properly around the readhead.

"I think we get it" Nicole said. "so what movie are we going to go see?' Nicole asked.

"No....me. movie. alone at home with icecream" Waverly said.

"Who is icecream?" Nicole asked confused.

"She's trying to say she wants to go home and watch her movie that is waiting oh so patiently for her in  her dvd player" Wynonna clarified.

"Oh. so you're ditching us already?" Nicole asked jokingly.

"Yes.. I mean no.. I just.. movies watch me.. urgh' Waverly groaned.

"Waves what is up with you today?" Wynonna asked slightly joking. Waverly's phone rang pulling her attention away from her current conversation.

"I gotta take this" she said her first full sentence the whole night walking away to answer her phone.

"Sorry about her. I don't know what's with her tonight." Wynonna apologized.

*Waverly's Phone Call*

"Hey, Champ" Waverly said answering the phone.

"Is your dinner date over yet?" Champ asked.

"It's not a dinner date" Waverly clarified.

"I don't care. i just want to touch you babbbyyyy" Champ said slurring the baby.

"Champ are you drunk?" Waverly asked.

"A little" he giggled.

"I gotta go" Waverly said hanging up. Walking back into the bar.

"Hey I think i'm going to get going" Waverly said looking at the ground in fear of her words not coming out properly if she took one last glance at the readhead.

"Okay. I'll see you at home" Wynonna said giving it no thought.

A/N: There is just so much Wayhaught smut and I really wanted to read an actual book on them but I couldn't find one so I decided to create my own. hope you wayhaughters enjoy.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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