{12} Wedding Day

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I straighten my hair and put on my white converse and go downstairs. I see Zack and Tomika hugging. Aw. I take out my phone and take a picture. This is going on Instagram. Then Esme and Lawrence come downstairs.
L- Zomika
Z&T- We hate you.
S- Nah you love us. Anyways do I need to go get Frederico.
T- Yep cause the plane leaves in 2 hours.
I roll my eyes and head back upstairs to Freddy's room. I knock on the door and he opens it.
S- Let's go we have a plane to catch.
F- Ok geez. I was packing.
S- It took you that long. You were supposed to pack the night before.
F- I was too busy helping you with the prank. That now we aren't gonna use.
S- Oh me and Lawrence took the prank down cause we remembered the wedding. I honestly keep forgetting it.
F- So you woke me up at 2 in the morning for nothing.
S- Maybe.
F- Run Hathaway Run
My eyes widen and I run downstairs. I grab my hoodie on the way and head out the door. My stuff was already in the limo. I get in and hide. Then they all come to the car and get in.
T- Why were you running?
S- He was chasing me.
F- She woke me up at 2 in the morning for nothing.
Z- Why?
S- We were gonna prank you guys but then the wedding got in the way and aren't we forgetting something.
We all just think about it for a minute and then all our eyes widen.
MF- What.
S- Oh you were here.
MF- Yea I'm sitting in the front.
E- Mr.Finn this is a limo you can't sit in the front.
MF- Yes you can. People just don't.
He goes to the front and disappears. After about 20 minutes. We finally reach the airport. We grab our stuff and head inside. We go through bag check out and all that until we reach our gate which is gate 50.
T- I'm gonna go get a smoothie. Who wants one and who's going with me.
S- Oh get me a strawberry banana smoothie
Z- I'll go with you.
F- Blueberry
E- Mango and pineapple.
L- Strawberry
MF- Banana.
T- Ok. Let's go Zack.
They start running to the smoothie cafe.
E- Im gonna miss this place
S- Me too
L- It was fun wile it lasted.
F- You guys do know we can always come back right.
S- Me come back. I don't think so. I don't feel like running into anymore family troubles.
MF- What time is the wedding.
S- Uh it's at the beach and it's at 5 so sun down.
E- Oh pretty.
L- I still don't get why the colors are bright yellow and mint green.
S- It's their favorite colors.
Zack and Tomika come back with the smoothies. They hand them out.
F- What took you guys so long?
T- An incident occurred. I'm a clutz.
S- What'd you do.
Z- She dropped the smoothies. So we had to pay extra for the other ones.
T- Zaaack.
Z- Hey I'm not going to lie for you.
T- Fine be that way but when you need my help. Don't expect it.
S- Are they always that loud?
F- I guess so.
I giggle and we head back to the plane. While walking through that extremely long hallway. Esme text me and tells me to look behind me. I look behind me and see Zomika. Aw. They were holding hands and Tomika had her head on Zack's shoulder. I poke Freddy and tell him to turn around. He does the same. We both take a picture of them.
F- Now we can blackmail them.
S- I honestly was just gonna take a picture of this and put it on a shirt but that works too.
T- Did you guys do what I just think you did?
S- If it's taking a picture then no.
T- Im going to kill ya later Hathaway.
S- Blah blah
We finally get inside the plane. I decide to take window seat and Freddy sits by me. We were gonna let Zomika and Lesme sit together. Mr.Finn sat by himself. Since there wasn't that many people.
F- You ok Sum?
S- Yea totally fine. Why?
F- Well you seem nervous.
S- Ok fine I am. I really am worried about seeing my mom at the window. Since I kinda kicked her out. I honestly feel like I shouldn't even go. But I'm going for Zack and his sake. Plus I volunteered for singing at the wedding.

F- Sum even though you might be mad at your mom and she's mad at you. You know you would still go to that wedding. No matter the outcome or what happened before. Because you know that even though you might have been a mistake or something like that deep down in your heart you still love her.
S- You know you always make me feel better.
F- Yes. I am your hero.
S- Don't get to cocky Huerta it is not a good look.
F- But don't I look good in anything.
S- Sure keep telling yourself that.
We laugh. I put my head on his shoulder and start falling asleep.
F- Te quiero Summer
I lift my head up.
S- I did tell you I took French instead of spanish right.
F- Sorry I forgot. Do you really know French.
S- Only about 3 words.
F- When did you learn it.
S- This year. Guess what?
F- What.
S- I changed that class cause apparently the only language that Summer Hathaway is supposed to know is English.
F- I could teach you Spanish.
S- No thanks. It's not made for me.
F- Won't you need to know spanish for becoming a lawyer.
S- I changed that profession. I actually want to work in astronomy.
F- You really love it don't you.
S- Yea I do.
Freddy's Pov
It was fun talking to Summer. The more I talk to her. The more I realize how oblivious I was. I've known this girl for years and I just start recognizing what we have in common. I never forgot that she didn't know spanish. That was kinda the idea. Te quiero means I love you in Spanish. I can't tell her that in English so why not espanol. She puts her head back on my shoulder and falls asleep. Eventually I fall asleep too.
*Skip to end of the flight*
S- Freddy wake up.
F- Where are we?
S- A plane that we need to get off of.
I look around and see people starting to get ready to leave. I stand up and grab my backpack. Summer follows behind me with hers and we get off.
T- So how was your guys flight
S- We were on the same plane as you. You guys were behind us.
T- I know. It's just that right when we got on the plane and sat down. I fell asleep until Zack woke me for snacks.
Z- They weren't even good snacks.
T- I liked them.
E- Why those were disgusting. Who serves square slices of cheese and crackers.
T-  Apparently they do and I liked them. So deal with it.
S- Tomika what snacks don't you like.
T- A lot.
S- For some reason I don't believe that.
T- Well I guess you'll just have to.
We finally get out of the plane and head to baggage claim. Summer's chauffeur would be picking us up. We get to the car and get in.
S- What time is it.
E- 2
S- We only have 3 hours to get ready and go to that wedding.
MF- I think that's enough time.
S- Uh we have to help set up.
MF- Shoot. Can this car go any faster?
S- Without a cop on our trail no it can not.
We all groan. After 20 minutes we finally get to Summer's house. We were all going to get ready there. Since it was closest to where the wedding is at.
Summer's Pov
Me and the girls head upstairs and start getting ready. The boys were getting ready in the guest rooms.
Esme's outfit⬇️

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