Chapter Seven; Why?

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Brantley's lips softly pressed against mine. I was shocked at first and just stood there but after a second I kissed him back. The sweatshirt was still between us, he took his free hand and ran it up my arm and down my side until he had a hold of my hip trying to pull me closer. I smiled into the kiss before I pulled away hiding my face in his chest. I didn't want the kiss to end but I knew better. I couldn't just go around kissing guys all willy-nilly! Especially big country music stars like Brantley Gilbert! What the heck was I thinking?

"Bai, Bailie, look at me." Brantley said putting a finger under my chin and tilting my head up, "What's goin through that pretty head of yours?"

I just looked at him for a minute before answering, "I didn't want the kiss to stop."

"Then why did you pull away?" He asked dropping his hand to my waist.

"Because I can't just kiss you." I said honestly.

Brantley looked confused, "What do you mean?"

I sighed and laid my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat, "You're you and I'm me. I'm a single mom, you're a rockstar." I stopped talking to collect my thoughts, "It could never work between us. We come from two different worlds."

Brantley didn't say anything for a long time. I was almost certain I had pissed him off but he wouldn't pull away from me. I wasn't afraid of being in a relationship, I wasn't even trying to keep myself from them. I was just being truthful, Brantley is on the road all the time, I have a teaching job, and two sons. Things could never work for us, "You're trying to push me away."

I shook my head, "No, I'm just being realistic."

"Bullshit." Brantley said, "You're pushing me away. You're afraid of what's going on between us."

I pulled back, "No, you're wrong. I'm not afraid of being with you. I'm afraid of my boys getting attached to you and us not working. I can live through the hurt but my boys have already lost two very important men in their lives and I'm not willing to let that happen again."

Brantley didn't make a move to pull me back into him he just stared at me, "We haven't even started and you're already afraid of me walking away."

"I never said that. You're on the road all the time Brantley. I'm a school teacher and single mother, I can never just drop anything I'm doing to see you when you're on the road or when you're home for a day or two." I told him honestly. The life he lives is a life I could never dream of living.

Brantley still didn't make any moves, "I know that Bailie and I get it. You're a mother, your kids come first but don't write me off just yet. Let me prove to you that this can work because I know it can."

I stared at Brantley for a long time just studying his face. I wanted this to work but I wasn't sure if I was willing to take that risk. If we don't work my boys will lose another important person in their lives, but how do I know they'll lose him if I never try? They may lose him if I don't because he'll find somebody else and I'm sure she wouldn't like me hanging around with Brantley. I nodded my head slowly, "Okay. I'll let you prove it to me."

Brantley grinned and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear before pressing his lips to mine again. I could really get used to his kisses and that soft tickle from his beard.

"I knew it!" I heard Briar yell. Brantley and I flew apart real fast, "Told you, Cam!"

"BG, you just cost me ten bucks!" Cam said.

"What do you mean?" Brantley said.

Cam and Briar walked down the steps and over to us, "Well, y'all had been out here for awhile so Briar bet me ten bucks that you were out here kissing. I told him there was no way and well, you can figure the rest of that out."

"You bet that I was kissing Brantley?" I asked Briar.

Briar shrugged, "Well yeah. I told him how you were flirting on the phone earlier and Cam said he saw Brantley with his arms around you when you were talking to his parents. Easiest ten bucks ever."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "I really should ground you but lucky for you I'm not ready to leave yet." I said glancing at Brantley and looking back to Briar, "So get in the house before I change my mind."

Briar and Cam ran back into the house, Brantley and I looked at each other and busted out laughing, "Felt like getting caught by our parents."

I nodded my head and leaned against Brantley, "My parents used to catch me and Jared all the time. It was so terrible and so embarrassing."

Brantley laughed and wrapped his arms around me, "My mama caught Kolby and I a bunch. We would bring girls over when mama said she had to work late but never told us how late. She would give us a lecture after that and make sure we made it to church Sunday."

"I love your mom though. She's the sweetest woman I've ever met." I said slipping my hands under Brantley's shirt.

Brantley nodded, "She's my angel. I don't know what I would do without her."

Brantley and I eventually ended up making our way back into the house. I had decided just stay over since it was already pretty late and schools were closed tomorrow, "You can take my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Brantley said.

I shook my head, "No way. I'm not kicking you out of your own bed. Besides, I fit on the couch better than you do."

"Darlin, don't fight me on this. Take my bed." Brantley said sounding almost defeated.

"I'm not tired though so let's just lay on the couch and watch TV." I said, even though I actually was tired.

Brantley agreed to that so we cuddled up on his couch and ended up watching a rerun of some old western, "What about Cam and Briar?"

I shrugged, "Let them play. They'll go to sleep when they get tired enough."

"Ashleigh will have my ass for letting him stay up all night." Brantley said.

"You can blame me. I don't mind." I told him honestly. I make Briar go to bed at a certain time but I can't force him to go to sleep.

"Nah. One night won't hurt the kid." Brantley said holding me tighter.

I was almost asleep when I swore I heard Brantley say something but I was just too tired to keep my eyes open a second longer.

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