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1. No Mary\Gary sues

2. No godmodding. Or as i like to call it writing in absolutes.

3. Unfortunately wattpat has locked smutt in pm.

4.  No being in two places at ones, unless there's an in universe explanation for it.

5. No powers that make you a god among humans.
The main point of this rp is to build or express creativity and general knowledge. Human's must pose atleast a minimum threat as long as they use creative means.

6. When more then one person apears in a chain use turns based on arrival.
Response time will be 30 minutes if no response comes in that time that persons turn is skiped.
But if prior notice was given you must then wait for that person.

If 10 minutes pass with no responce tag the person your waiting for every 5 minutes until 30 minutes are up at such point the next in the order is allowed to go.

7. Only 2 ocs per admin. Though if death ocures a new one can be made. But you are not allowed to just throw your oc away into death. There must be a reason and a cose. And if your attacked don't just say "oh well I guess I'm dead" or "the bullet hit and James died" when you die millions of things happen your life flashes befor your eyes, your regrets and the things your proud of come forth. I expect some actual effort from you loves don't disappoint.

8. When it comes to killing an oc you don't need permission from the admin. This is to make you actually put effort into surviving and to promote and help villainous characters along to cose tension and drama. ((I know one person that will love this))

9. No controlling other peoples characters.

10. When it comes to mythical creatures please keep it powerd down somewhat we don't want the poor humans to be completetly outmatched. There will only be 2-4 people that I will allow to be a little over powerd should they wish. I already have them in mind so if you don't know me prior to this don't bother asking.

Dragons are wary powerful creatures thus to counter this you must give them an exploitable weakness.

11. Be active an rp can not be held up if no one rps. Try to get atleast an hour in every other day.

If you can't rp for a period of time pm me and we can come up with a reason for your oc to be unresponsive.

If you don't make a notice of your absence for more then two days You will get a worning. Three warnings and you will be removed from the rp.

If You already have a warning on you you can remove that warning by being active for 3 weeks and not missing the quota ones.



superhuman academy  RP ((invite only))Where stories live. Discover now