Chapter 14 (An old love rekindle or an unfortunate mistake bound to happen?)

Começar do início

Anthony looked at him in astonishment 'Oh, oh. I feel stupid now. I didn't even thought off it, except when you mentioned make-up'

'Exactly how I reacted' I said laughing

Out of no where we heard two girls screaming at each other, then there was a fight upstairs. They brought the fight down and two girls were pulling each others hair and kicking. Who could they be? We ran to try to stop the fight but they just won't let go. Suddenly everyone was cheering. We couldn't identify them as their masks was on but then the girl in the Purple dress pulled the mask off the girl in the red dress, the girl in the red dress was Grace, boy did she looked hot. So, who is the girl in the purple dress? Grace then went on top of the girl in the purple dress and pulled her mask off. It was Allison. But what could they be fighting about? I pulled Grace away before they even start another round of fighting and we brought her outside.

'What the heck happened?' I asked

Grace starts to burst out crying '' She stuttered

'Then why is she mad?' David asked

'Allison like Taylor' I explained

'But she doesn't have the right to do that, you're Taylor's girlfriend' Anthony commented

'Oh, I forgot to tell you this Savanna but me and Taylor made it official' She smiled

'Aww, it's alright. Just keep that smile on your face' I said

I left Anthony with Grace then me and David went up to Allison to confront her. As Allison see me approaching she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

'Savanna!' She cried

'What happened?' I asked hugging her back

'I saw Taylor and Grace kissing' she explained

'So?' I asked

'I'm Taylor's girlfriend, he made it official last Friday!' She answered

'What?!' I exclaimed 'How can this happen if Grace is his girlfriend'

'What?! Grace is his what?! but this can't be right. We were together!' She gasped

'Don't worry, we'll fix this!' I said trying to comfort her

David and I went back to the back yard, Mahalia was there trying to comfort Grace.

'Hey Mahalia!' I said waving at her 'Happy birthday!'

Mahalia came near me and gave me a big hug 'Thank you!'

'Happy birthday!' David and Anthony said simultaneously

'Thank you guys!' She said then went back to Grace

Suddenly Natasha appeared out of no where.

'Has anyone in this bloddy house know where Anthony is?!?!?!' She screamed

'There he is' Mahalia said pointing to Anthony

Why did she do that? Well Mahalia doesn't know about me and Anthony so I think that she thinks there's nothing wrong with it.

'Oh! oh. By the way if you see Savanna, tell her that Ryan is waiting for her at the pavilion. Come with me Anthony baby!' Natasha said pulling Anthony's hand

'Natasha were over' Anthony said pulling his hand away

'I'll just go meet Ryan up' I said

Anthony looked at me and he was just staring at me and if I knew better, I think he doesn't want me to meet up with Ryan. I left as soon as I can because Natasha was really pissing me off. I went into the pavilion and I saw a guy standing there with a rose in his hand. He was wearing a black and white tuxedo and his mask was similar to mine except it was black.

'Ryan?' I asked

'Savanna?' He asked

'Yes, are you Ryan?' I repeated

'Yes Savanna' He replied

'So, why did you call me?' I asked

He came near me and gave me the rose. He walked back to the pavilion and he leaned against it.

'If you're really Savanna. Who is my cousin?' He asked

I giggled and came near him 'Charlotte'

He chuckled too then looked at me. The mood was so precious, he was leaning forward to kiss me then I pulled away. I couldn't do this. I won't let anything get in the middle of me and Anthony besides were just having a fresh start. I walked away and he came running to me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me. He turned me around and gave me a tight hug.

'I'm so sorry.' He whispered

I pat him in the back and said 'It's alright'

He hugged me tighter and he wouldn't let go

'I appreciate a hug but I really got to go' I said

'But I haven't even told you why I wanted you to come here' He said

I pulled away then said 'Just text me it' I carried on walking and I went to the garden where we were earlier. When I arrived there it was only David, Grace and Mahalia.

'Hey! Where is Anthony?' I asked

'Why are you so interested about him, I thought he broke your heart?' Mahalia asked

'I decided to forgive him, by the way it would make things better' I explained

'Fair enough' David said

'So where are they?' I asked again

'I think they're upstairs' Mahalia answered

'Cool! See you guys later' I said waving my hand before leaving.

I went up the stairs and I checked Mahalia's room. I was looking around hoping that I would find them in a reasonable state, and thank God I'm right. I saw Anthony and Natasha talking normally. They were just sitting at the bed talking. Anthony stood up and came out, he gave me a kiss on my cheek and I saw Nataha. She was full of rage. She took one pillow and threw it at the door. I feel sorry for her because evilness will never work.

ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora