
Jordan ended up taking me back to his house where we hung out for a little. It was way more fun than spending my Sunday alone. When he dropped me home, I walked inside to see Allison waiting for me, and let me tell you, she looked pissed.

"Adam Levine!?"

"What about him?"

"You slept with him!?"

"You don't know that."

"I know that you were photographed leaving his house this morning. It's not hard to put two and two together. The press certainly did." She said, throwing a magazine at me.

"How the hell did they print these so fast?" I asked, staring at the photo of me on the front page leaving Adam's place.

"I don't know but they did and management is pissed. This isn't like any of the other times you've been caught, Adam is famous and that completely changes how people feel about it. People actually care about him."

"Do I give a shit what people think?"

"No, I think we've already established that but management wants you to do something."

"Ugh, what now?"

"They want you to date Adam. Just so you won't be considered, you know, a slut."

"No! I'm not dating anyone!"

"I know you don't want to but unfortunately it's not up to you. You're going out tomorrow night and you're taking Adam with you."


"Jay Leno. We're picking you up tomorrow at 12, be ready. Bye."

"Bye." I say, as Allison walked out the door.


"So you have to date him?" Jordan asked.

"Yes." I said as he threw back his head in laughter.

"Jordan! It's not funny!" I say as I hit him.

"I'm sorry but it kind of is." He said, giggling like a school girl. I invited Jordan over because I was bored and just needed someone to talk to.

I rolled my eyes and got up off the couch, "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure, what movie?"

"Let's watch Clueless! That was like my all time favourite movie as a teenager."

"Alright, it's not like I have a say in what we watch anyway."

"Shut up and go make some popcorn."

"Whatever you say boss." He says as he salutes me and begins to walk out the room.

"You're such a smartass." I say.

"I know, it's a gift really."

I rolled my eyes and sat down as the movie began to play, I didn't bother to wait for Jordan. After about 5 minutes, he walked back in with the popcorn. He took a seat next to me and started to watch the movie as well.

I started to get tired during the movie so I rested my head on his lap and the rest of my was sprawled out across the couch. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


- Jordan's POV -

I woke up the next day and found Christina still laying on me. I smiled at the way she slept, she slept like a baby. I sat there just staring at her for a while before she woke up.

"Hey Jord." She smiled, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey there."

"How long have you been awake for?" She asked.

"Not long." I lied.

"Alright, do you want to get something to eat?"

"Sure." I smiled as she got up and walked into the kitchen with me not far behind.

"Pancakes?" She asked.


Christina cooked the pancakes and it took us forever to actually finish eating them seeing as neither of us would shut up. Christina started to clean up but as she did so, she knocked one of the knives off the table. We both reached down to get it but stopped when we both put out hands on the knife, our faces were now only centimetres apart. We just stayed there, staring at each other. Me being the idiot that I am, begin to lean in to kiss her. She does the same but only for a split second before she stops herself.

"Um, I should get ready. Allison's coming soon." She said as she quickly stood up and made her way to her room.

I stood in the one spot with a confused look on my face, did that just happen?

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